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Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 124 Squad’s Concern
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By the time Liu Xueyi arrived at the company, several ladies gave him stares that showed their displeasure for him not picking any of them.

While others gave him the thumbs up and some guys had their faces filled with awe at how he so shut the public up without doing something out of his line.

Although they were sure he was going to receive it hot from the Chairman of the Corporation at allowing such a thing to happen, nevertheless they were proud.

He was a guy who stood up for his woman.

But knowing Liu Xueyi, the young master came out from whatever feat he was placed against.

It was what kept their company at the top in the entertainment world and also the several other businesses they had ventured into, do well.

He left the company earlier for an early morning meeting and only returned to see his workers going head over heels with his video.

Shaking his head, Liu Xueyi made his way straight for the top floor and arrived at his office.

To his surprise, not one but all five of his friends were present and waiting.

He was surprised for one thing though, his secretary Fu Chu Hua did not make mention of their presence to him and greeted as usual.

Himself and his P.A were the ones who left but to his surprise, his P.A did not look surprised as he was.

"So you all where in this together," Liu Xueyi noted as he handed hi back over to his P.A, walked over to them before sitting with his friends at the adjourning part of his office.

"What's up guys? Since when did you all not have work to do in the morning?" Liu Xueyi instigated.

Still no one spoke to him aside the normal wave of their hands they did when he came over.

The sternness in their eyes told him he was in for some serious questioning when suddenly they broke into an outburst of laughter.

His brows creased, forming a line between them as he waited for a reasonable explanation for the seconds they enjoyed themselves.

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"Can someone tell me what is going on?" He asked impatient with their rattitude.

"Yes, Xueyi, but not before you tell us since when you and Andromeda Kai got together and we were left out of the equation," Hong Chaoxiang questioned.

Instantly, they all stopped laughing and gazed at him with serious faces, hoping to get something out of him.

"What do you want me to say?" Liu Xueyi asked, leaning back against the chair, facing them properly.

"The truth," Tang Yan added. "I can't believe even I did not know."

"I cannot say I did not know. I knew he would go for her but just that we expected something grand when he would be giving us a sister-in-law that would, you know have our protection," Rong Bolin chipped in.

"Tsk, what can I do when I am left from the equation as well? Is it because I get busy with work more often that you all leave me out of gist?"

"Since when did you become a boy gossip, Chu Fengjin?" Xu Fang asked, rising to his feet to get himself a drink.

"Xu Fang, why am I not surprised? You must have gotten news about this seeing as you two are together."

"Hey careful the way you say it, Fengjin. They are not gay you know. Do not give us the wrong ideas and scar our ears," Rong Bolin scolded.

"Now I wonder how I ever got myself such a nosy bunch," Liu Xueyi lamented out loud.

In the end he got himself a good amount of glares from his friends.

"Hhahaa, it was funny seeing you all quiet and in one place," he changed the topic quickly.

"But then seeing as my P.A wasn't shocked, I knew he must have informed Xu Fang of my arrival."

"You got that right," Xu Fang winked at the said P.A who was standing by the door and waiting on them.

"Hhaaha, he would just receive his own fair share of punishment. 10% out of his salary for planning with you guys."

"Ouch. Do not be wicked. We were curious you know. This was a scandal and it involved you," Hong Chaoxiang cut in quickly, saving the already sad P.A.

"Besides, it was Bolin's idea we come and see you, Blame him."

Rong Bolin arched a brow at Tang Yan's naughty escape.

"We all wished to know how you were and help out anyway we can," Tang Yan added.

"Yeah it was my idea," Boling scoffed.

"And Tang Yan I thought you would have more intake on this by now. What is your law firm doing? You should start making them pay first by law," Rong Bolin suggested.

"I know. I know. This scoundrel only informed me to help her out but he failed to leave out the part where he was the one in the video," Tang Yan pointed out.

"So are you two official or was this just a one time thing?" Chu Fengjin asked the one question silently ringing in their minds.

Xu Fang on the other hand managed to stay silent on the radar, not wanting to reveal Liu Xueyi's secret to the others.

"I… Well, soon we would be official. I haven't told her exactly how I feel yet."

"What are you waiting for?" Hong Chaoxiang asked. "You guys already did the... sigh you ain't a kid. You already made love."

"I know. I would do it but she needs time. I do not want to rush her, rush us," Liu Xueyi replied rather disturbed by the situation.

they would not understand because he kept the truth hidden from them. If not they wouldn't speak this way.

"That's good enough for me," Rong Bolin nodded at him. "You deserve a thumbs up for how you handled the situation, Liu Xueyi."

"Yes. They know better than to raise the matter up again," Chu Fengjin smiled. "My hospital is open to you when she shall be birthing your child."

He did not get to finish his sentence before the others had their cold gaze on him.

"Can you just keep quiet," Tang Yan scolded.

"I will. But you too, shuu."

Before Liu Xueyi knew what was going on, their usual banter went on while his gaze diverted to Xu Fang.

From the smiles on Liu Xueyi's face, Xu Fang could tell he had achieved so much from visiting her the previous day and more than anything, he knew their squad had his back.

While they conversed, Liu Xueyi's mind trailed off, recalling the stunt she pulled on the bed, hugging him close.

Without a thought he knew she wanted that warmth and care of a man or protector.

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The feeling he got the previous day geared his resolve and he came out openly.

He expected her to find him suspicious and at the same time not know the truth but he couldn't care.

When he did the video today, he spoke from his heart.

He loved her and wished to be her boyfriend.

He wanted to be the man that her heart would yearn for.

The one that would make her heart beat so fast.

And without thinking, he held her close in bed, he cooked for her and did everything she wanted to pelase her.

The more he recalled the quicker his body began to react when his mind flashed straight to that night.

Everything seemed more real now. Though his best friends may not know the exact truth, he did that to cover her up.

At least for now till he sorted out in his mind how he was going to explain to her what happened that night and hope she doesn't hate him, making her understand he loved her so much.

It was a month and counting since they knew but his heart, his thoughts, everything singled down on her.

It was better than his first relationship.

One he had thought he would never be able to get over but surprisingly since she came into his life, he wanted to have that close feeling again.

To love someone and be loved in return.

"One question though," he heard Tang Yan's voice ask, breaking him from his train of thoughts.

"Has the Chairman called you yet?"

Everyone's attention was immediately pulled towards him, waiting for his answer.

They knew his father all too well.

He could be strict. Which was one place his son took his cold attitude from.

"No, but I would handle it."


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