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Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 243 Samiel Vs. Ork Horde (1)
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Samiel was once again closer to completing the Necronomicon... now that he found the Basic Principles of the Mythos Necrosis...

Grimoires of the Necrosis Series were once part of a greater thing... a book called Necronomicon. It was an enormous grotesque grimoire written in the long-forgotten past several Eras ago by a man called Abdul Alhazred.

Nowadays, not many, even in the Hall of Kadath, aside from the high-ups, were even aware of the existence of the Necronomicon and the fact that the book existed in its shattered form in the Material Plane of the Cosmos.

Something happened that nobody knew, but the Necronomicon was shattered into several parts that Samiel was searching for.

The books contained tremendous power and there was a legend that once they were put together and Necronomicon was once again complete, it would show its true power.

Now he obtained the ones of the Mythos Necrosis, which was Magic that allowed one to borrow the powers of the Outer Gods, using the powers of the Mythos.

Among all parts of the Necrosis, the Mythos Magic was one of the strongest because it borrowed the power of the Outer Gods to use their power as someone's own.

Samiel pondered over it for some time before he stored everything in his Dimensional Storage.

He would return here after reaching the Silver-Tier... with his Level 2 Rare Ability Rift; it was easy, like taking a child his toy.

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After collecting everything, Samiel decided to leave the Trial Place.

When he exited the Tomb of the Last Human King, he saw Yvraine sitting on her chair and reading Magic Tomes diligently as he instructed her to do...

"It was faster than I expected..."

Yvraine stated when she saw her lever exiting the Tomb while she continued reading the Magic Tome she was studying. It was clear that she was bored waiting for him, but nevertheless, she was waiting for him dutifully while reading a book... pretty rare sight.

"Can we go already?"

She asked him as he shook his head in denial because he sensed something approaching them from a long distance and in huge numbers.

Since the time he left the 1st Floor, the situation here was becoming more and more precarious because Ork Klans that were living on the 1st Floor were in an all-out war against each other...

Indeed, they managed to destroy the Bugbear Tribe with all of their Legendaires, but at the same time, the infighting among them got way worse than it was before and they started openly waging wars with each other.

"No... it seems that we have company... apparently a few thousand Orks are heading our way."

He stated with a feral grin because all of those Orks were Steel-Tier at minimum, with a few hundred of them being Bronze-Tier and tens of them were at the Silver-Tier.

Unfortunately, none of them were particularly strong and were the most average that they could be.

Though what else eh could await from the orks that were living on the 1st Floor of the Tower.

"Don't tell me that you want to fight that many Orks?"

She asked him with exhausted sight, as he grinned stupidly because she knew him very well indeed... and indeed he wanted to fight them. There were only a few situations when he could fight an entire army by himself and right now, a golden opportunity presented itself...

"Whatever, you better make it up for me, do you hear me?"

She faked her anger as she asked him, to which he nodded his head in delight before he turned his sight to the incoming greenskin army, which was mainly composed of orks that numbered 3,000, but aside from them, there were a few hundred goblins as auxiliary forces.

Mainly to do the hard work for what the orks were too lazy to do for that they had goblins... they were mainly Iron-Tier creatures and they were pretty weak even compared to other Iron-Tier Creatures.

Their only use among the greenskins was to be some sort of slave servants for the orks, either to do the hard work or to be abused by their larger and stronger cousins for their entertainment.

Whatever, they were not any kind of threat to Samiel; they were just an annoyance because their numbers were high, even though their Levels were low; fortunately, he didn't lack AOE-type attacks that could wipe them out in one go.

"Naturally, I would take care of it pretty much swiftly..."

He said to Yvraine, as he utilized the Nuclear Void Mana Control Method to strengthen his legs as he rushed at the incoming greenskin army that was coming from the north to the Tomb of the Last Human King.

Within several minutes he crossed a distance of several tens kilometers and arrived at the hill, from which he could see the incoming greenskins.

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As he predicted, there were thousands of them and they were marching somewhere... that he didn't know where.

Samiel just wanted to massacre them, for now, the reason, so technically speaking, this orkish army was just unlucky that they encountered him.

He grinned when he looked at the incoming Orks before he started using Nuclear Void Mana Control Method to strengthen his physique, jumping high into the air; he appeared high above the incoming greenskins as he grinned and released his Magic.

Suddenly several enormous ice glaciers appeared above them and fell onto the incoming greenskins, killing hundreds of them in one swoop.

Samiel cast several 5th Level Spells Clash of Glaciers to annihilate a significant portion of the greenskins.

He then fell onto the ground, as his fall created a small aftershock from the impact force. At the same time, he used Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler to freeze everything around him in the vicinity of ten meters and raised several huge ice walls around him.

The greenskins that were rushing at him started hitting the ice walls with their weapons, which soon started cracking down under the attacking force of more than two thousand orks.

Still, Samiel just grinned as he controlled the ice walls, which then exploded, killing the orks that were near them as the flying ice shards from the walls injured even the orks that were standing far from them.

He saw that some of the Silver-Tier Orks were attempting to resist him by joining and creating some sort of magical barrier to protect them from the incoming ice shards that were shooting toward them.

Yet it was futile because the power behind the ice shards was too powerful for the poor greenskins to handle and their barrier was destroyed by the countless ice shards that were being shot at their barriers and started killing them in tons.

Just after the initial clash of Samiel against the greenskin army, they lost almost half of their number.

After the initial clash was done, Samiel decided to wait for them to get together as they decided to counterattack on him while some of their shamans were throwing one spell on him after another.

After their defense was destroyed, greenskins started getting restless while the goblins that were surviving started escaping from the place because they were spinless creatures that feared even their own shadow in many situations.