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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 198: Lightning Draconic Serpent (2)
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Chapter 198: Lightning Draconic Serpent (2)

His mastery over his skill and magic was so fluent that if any veteran adventurer saw it, he would be immediately identified as a special Superclass or mistaken for a disaster class itself. 

Another thing of peculiarity was the orc general's race. Similar to the others around him, Berigard was also a mutated species called the Diluvian High Orc but unlike the other, the status against his race had an [Aberrant] showing in it.

Although Simon was curious as to what that means, for the time being, he had no clue so he had to drop the thought.

While it was true that the Orc General Berigard was powerful, it was still no match against the Lightning Draconic Serpent who was regarded as one of the three overlords that reigned over the northern region of the Ghastly Winding Forest.

While the two of them were battling out among themselves in a series of earth shaking fierce attacks, Simon sneakily used Analysis on it to gain more information on the level and power of an overlord. The result that came out made him widen his eyes to their very limit.

Consciously or subconsciously he who had once seen the level of the Earth Splitting Lower Dragon which was also one of the three overlords of the north, started putting them in the same category.

However, who would have known that this thinking of his would be so childish and utterly nonsensical. Forget about the Lightning Draconic Serpent being in the same level as the Earth Splitting Lower Dragon who was at level 351 at that time, the difference between them was so wide that it wasn't even a laughing matter.

From the information he gained from his [Analysis], the Lightning Draconic Serpent was almost hitting the 500 level barrier. Its level displayed by the analysis was 491 and the multitudes of skills that it had made Simon's eyes groggy.

Just like always, due to the level difference between them he wasn't able to peer through most of the skills that the Lightning Draconic Serpent had. However, he was still able to take a small glimpse at its power.

Both the party weren't going all out from the start and were preserving their strength and testing each other out. Even with the powerful army, he brought along with him, Simon believed that Berigard wouldn't be able to defeat the Lightning Draconic Serpent that easily.

Just as he sighed in relief thinking that he wouldn't have to step much less make a move, Bergiard created a huge hammer made of compressed air that loomed over the sky and brought it down towards the draconic serpent.

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An attack this big and slow would have been easy to dodge if not for the orc army throwing their peculiar weapon at the Lightning draconic Serpent and restricting its movement.

The fierce attack generated an intense shockwave that shook the very land and made the Lightning draconic serpent drop from the sky. One could imagine the power packed behind the last attack as even the incredibly strong scale of its was cracked open in many places of its body.

Simon started panicking a little, he thought that the battle would be a stroll in the park for the overlord of the north. But to his expectation, Berigard used the advantage he had in numbers to thoroughly suppress his enemy and cut all their openings.

Although the Lightning Draconic Serpent had wind magic resistance, the skill only helped negate attacks of novice tier wind magic. Gale magic which was the intermediate tier of Wind magic supplied by the powerful mana of Berigard was able to penetrate through the thick defence of the Lightning Draconic Serpent.

The wind of the battle now in their favour, the Diluvian High Orcs started attacking the fallen serpent with even more fervent. The wheels in his brain started turning as Simon was delving how to disturb the flow of the orcs when…


The Lightning Draconic Serpent opened its eyes and looked at the puny orcs attacking its body. Anger, intense anger and madness to bite down on its prey flashed on the wide draconic eyes of its before suddenly its whole body started releasing a berserk amount of blue lightning.

It had been truly angered by them. Opening its wide mouth, a series of well decked sharp and pointed teeth came into view.

WHOOSH… the wind suddenly picked up speed and the clouds started churning.

"GET BACK NOW" Seeing the unnatural phenomenon and feeling the disturbance in the surrounding mana, Berigard shouted in command towards the orcs surrounding and attacking the Draconic Serpent.

An intense light flashed around the surroundings and forced one to cover their eyes with their hands before a thunderous noise like that of a waterfall crashing into the sea rang out.

ZZzSSssHhhhh… a high voltage beam of blue lightning that had a few streaks of red was released by the Lightning Draconic Serpent and whizzed towards all the orcs surrounding its body.

Instantly, their tough bodies were melted down leaving nothing behind. The [Lightning Breadth] inherent skill of the Lightning Draconic Serpent was one of its strongest attacks that accumulates a high quantity of Lightning in its glands condensing and building pressure before releasing it out.

The resulting attack was a heated beam of lightning that had enough power to drill through multiple mountains.

The [Lightning Breadth] scorched and gorged the land wherever it travelled and easily vaporised any unfortunate orcs that was in its path.

ZZzSSssHhhhh… the high voltage beam of lightning just like that claimed the life of more than thirty Diluvian High Orcs before dissipating down.

A dreadful silence descended onto the place… Gulp, the remaining high orcs in the backlines that were thinking of charging over, felt their throat drying over at the scene of carnage that only took an instant to unfold.

'How can this be? Even with all the power I have in my hand, I am unable to subjugate it? No, I refuse to believe I can't win' thinking internally, Berigard once again gripped his staff tightly before flinging it down.

A terrifying amount of wind started blowing all over and the place for thousands of meters was engulfed within.

"Sir General, what is your order?" Bellock asked. The orc commander's body although a little battered was still brimming with powerful might and energy. Unlike the average Diluvian High Orcs, they were on a different league and even their levels was much higher.

Their quick judgement of the situation prevented the worst scenario of everyone getting wiped out from happening.

"Bellock, Belmarch take charge of the army. I will engage the enemy with all of my power. Use the opening it will inevitably show during our battle to deal as much damage as you can. No matter how many fatalities we have to suffer in return, we must subjugate it. This is the only way I can overthrow the reign of the Orc king" Berigard announced while keeping his eyes on the Lightning draconic Serpent.

"Your wish is our command" The two orc commanders glanced at each other before nodding their head.

No matter how much difference and prejudice they had against each other, they put it all aside for this instant. Rallying the remaining seventy or so high orcs of their army, they remained on standby ready to act in a moments notice.

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Pointing his staff at the Lightning Draconic Serpent, he loudly declared "Come, I Berigard shall be your opponent".

The Lightning Draconic Serpent glared at the orc general before sneering "Hmph, you? my opponent? Have you forgotten your previous defeat at my hands? No matter what reason you may have, I shall not bow my head in subservience to anyone".

But the dreadfulness of the dragon which made them reign supreme across all the continents was not only credited to their powerful bodies, but also because of their unimaginable regeneration rate.

A dragon as long as it had enough mana, it can quickly regenerate through attacks that would have otherwise been fatal. The Lightning Draconic Serpent was considered as the lowest member of the dragon family.

That is to say that the damage it had received from the previous attack of the orc general was already most healed and its ruptured scales was back to their previous splendour.

Berigard's expression couldn't be any more ugly as he observed all the damage he had preciously dealt to his enemy swiftly fading. His enemy was back to its full health while he on the other hand was slowly getting weaker as the battle progressed.

"Hehehe, this one shall remind you once again your previous humiliating experience" The Lightning Draconic Serpent hissed before quickly flinging its tail towards Berigard.

One of the weapons of the Lightning Draconic Serpent was its slithery body that made some impossible movements possible. The tail that came smashing towards the orc general had all the bodyweight of the Lightning Draconic Serpent behind it.


Race:- Lightning Draconic Serpent

Age:- 387

Skills:- Water Magic Mastery, Lightning Magic Mastery, Hardened Scales, Rugged Skin, Body Enhancement, Presence Detect, Super Enhanced Agility, Super Enhanced Strength, Super Enhanced Endurance, Super Enhanced Defence, Super Magic, Extreme Bite, Intimidation Aura, Evil Eyes, Weather Manipulation.

Amalgamation Magic:- [Lightning-Water Mastery]

Inherent Skills:- Slithery Skeleton, Strengthened Physical Parts: [Fins, Scales, Tail, Jaw], Lightning Breath, Water Wave, Frenzy, Dragon Blood