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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 170: Irene’s Suggestion
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Chapter 170: Irene’s Suggestion

While Simon was still lamenting at the inadequateness of his knowledge, Irene took a few steps and came near him. A clear and pleasant fragrance drifted to his nose and when he looked up, he saw her alluring figure that had enough charm to momentarily stun all the people of this world, in front of him.

The distance between their bodies was only a few inches away and if Simon wanted to touch her, he just needed to extend his arms a little. He could hear the sound of her breathing and her ample chest heaving up and down.

The way she moved her body, her pearly white hands that tucked her hair behind her ears to the flutter of her eyelids. At this moment, her every action to the smallest movement was so beguiling that Simon was stunned silent.

He involuntarily remembered the scene that happened a few moments ago and couldn’t help but replay that scene in his head once again. His hands twitched, reminiscing the soft sensation that they felt before.

Realising her own action, she quickly stepped back and glanced at Simon who was in a daze. Even she did not know why she did that earlier. When she saw how Simon was glancing at his hand, scenes from earlier came rushing into her head.

Her pearly white face turned a shade of pink and her emotions became a mess. The atmosphere became silent and nobody spoke a word.

It was at this moment the Bloodthorn Demonic Warhorse who was roaming around the place, neighed as if waking the two people who were in a daze.

Simon hurriedly shook his head and came out of his stupor. He silently cursed himself for recalling the scene from the past again and again. It was his fault for making the atmosphere awkward.

Ahem… forcing a cough, he looked at Irene who had regained her composure once again and asked “Is there something you wanted to tell me?”.

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Irene nodded and observed Simon with that mysterious ability of her once again and said “Since you have already accepted the conditions from Aldebaran, I have nothing else to say. But even with the existence of the [Main Mneu], it would extremely strenuous and hard to jump three ranks in just seven years”.

“You would have to put an insane amount of effort and willpower and it would still not be enough. Are you prepared?” She asked in a tone that seemed to suggest something.

Simon closed his eyes and clenched his hands into fists. He recollected his determination to become stronger once again to solidify his resolve. ‘The reason I seek strength’ unknowingly, the ethereal figure of Irene floated into his mind.

The place she was standing on, was so high that it seemed unreachable at a glance. To reach her who was up there, Simon once made his resolve.

‘Big brother… please don’t get hurt okay’ suddenly it was Cecilia’s voice that came into his mind. Her delicate fairy-like figure and emerald green eyes that seemed to look up to him, appeared in front of him.

‘That’s right, I must become stronger for the sake of Cecilia. To keep my words and protect the safety of her clan’. Simon opened his eyes and looked at the dungeon that he had created and named Laplace with so much care.

To protect his dungeon, he needed strength. He matched the gaze of Irene who was currently looking at him and said: “Yeah, I know the task seems monumental but I made my resolve and I’ll see it through”.

His voice was unwavering, clear and precise.

Hearing him put his determination out, Irene suggested “How about I help you. The task might be too much for a single person to bear alone but if it’s two, then we can easily endure through it”.

Simon was surprised, he didn’t expect Irene to say something like that. He asked furrowing his brows “What do you mean?”.

Without any change in her facial expression, she said in a serious tone “What I mean is that I can help you train and increase your strength. Although you have the unusual ability of that [Main Menu] skill of yours, and might not be shackled by the bloodline limit. You should still be aware that with just determination alone, you cannot increase your strength by three whole realms”.

“Each rank requires mastery and acquisition of many skills before you can level up and move on to the other. Mastering those skills would require techniques and years of practice before they can evolve. Not to mention that there are various other factors involved the higher the rank you go. To finish all that in just the span of seven years would be impossible for a single person”.

Simon’s eyes widened when he heard that. He had known that it wouldn’t be easy but he wasn’t aware of what he exactly needed to do to rank up. He had guessed that he needed to evolve his skill but he did not know where to start.

Understanding what she was suggesting, Simon asked to be sure “You mean that…”.

Irene simply nodded her head and clarified “I mean exactly what I said. I can help you achieve your goal. The skills and other requirements to rank up, I can help you train all that. It might be impossible if it’s you alone but if it’s the both of us, I have confidence that we can fulfil those conditions of the Ancient Titan Treant within the time limit”.

Simon was momentarily speechless and his mind went blank. Seeing him make such an expression, Irene couldn’t help but ask “What is it?”.

He blinked a few times and tried to put the words in his head “It’s just that… I don’t understand why you would want to help me. I mean I was the one who accepted the conditions. It’s not that I don’t want your help, for that I am more than grateful. I just don’t understand what’s there in it for you?”.

Irene furrowed her brows at his question and looked at him with her deep crystal blue eyes “What kind of question is that? Aren’t I one of the Guardians of this dungeon? According to this title, I am obligated to protect it. The dungeon and the dungeon master are connected. As one of the Guardian, it is natural for me to help the dungeon master when he is in trouble. Plus since you saved the Forest Spring Spirits, we can call it equal”.

Simon dryly chucked at her reply. Although she pretended that it was all for the sake of protecting the Forest Spring Spirits, she wouldn’t be so concerned for him if it was just for that. And also she didn’t have to do it for them since he saved them on his own accord, not because he was told to do so.

Simon was able to find a cute little sister in Cecilia and also how amazing the Forest Spring Spirit race was. It should be him thanking them for all the benefits that his dungeon is going to receive, not the other way round.

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Irene had a cold, noble and aloof temperament. It was also because she has such a disposition, that it sometimes got in her way and did not allow her to be completely honest with her feelings.

Simon did not know and maybe Irene herself was in the dark that she helped Simon not because of her obligation as a Guardian nor for the Forest Spring Spirits but because of a feeling that she herself did not quite understand it.

Simon did not refuse her offer and nodded his head. He was aware of how strong Irene was. Her status that he had once glimpsed upon when summoning her, was so ridiculous that he still remembered it.

There was no better person to train him than Irene. She was clearly more experienced than him in this field and Simon felt nothing wrong being trained by her. It was also the same during his life on earth.

Being taught by a senior in the company who had years of accumulated experience, hastened the progress of his learning and he quickly caught up to their pace. Simon did not think that his current situation was any different on the contrary, it was better to have someone to guide you rather than forging the way all alone.

Irene was even considerate enough to put it as her helping him to call it equal instead of him asking for her help. She was thoughtful enough not to hurt his pride and at the same time, provided a helping hand when he needed it the most.

“Alright, I’ll be in your care then,” Simon said as he looked forward to improving his skill and techniques to increase his rank.

Irene nodded her head and said, “Very well… Seven years is not a lot of time. Let’s start the training as soon as possible”. Right after saying that, she turned to look in the direction of the pond of serenity where a thin white fog lingered endlessly.

Although the mystical energy around the main floor was quite thick, the concentration was more than ten times near the pond of serenity.

Simon followed her gaze and looked in the direction and asked “Where are we going to train?”.

She pointed a finger towards the location of the pond and said “We are going to train there. The pond of serenity after being tinkered by the abilities of Cecilia have changed massively. The concentration of mana near the area is quite thick and very beneficial for your training. Compared to the other areas, it would be much more faster to train there”.