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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 162: The Seven Year Agreement
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Chapter 162: The Seven Year Agreement

No matter what she had already decided to follow her big brother back inside his dungeon. There was no way she is gonna listen to any more of Aldebaran’s selfishness.

Aldebaran on the other hand simply laughed at her childish antics. He had lived for thousands of years, his composure couldn’t be broken by some words of a child. Or else he would have lived all these years for vain.

Fixing his gaze on Simon, he stated “I know that you have unlimited potential and the level you would reach in the future would be even higher than mine. But to realise that, you still need time”.

“Right now you are just a hatchling of an eagle who has just broken out of his shell. There is no way you would be able to protect yourself much less her”.

He pointed towards Cecilia who was sticking close to him. Realising that Aldebaran was simply worried about the wellbeing of Cecilia and her clansmen, Simon spoke with an incomparable determination in his voice.

“I understand what Lord Alder is worried about. However, you can rest assured that I will not stop getting stronger and keep on increasing my strength until finally, I’m strong enough that nobody would dare to harm them”.

Aldebaran nodded and an aura so vast and ancient that it gave him the illusion of hundreds of mountains collapsing at once, descended onto the area.

Simon was stunned beyond belief and his whole body was stiff just like a statue. The pressure of the tenth step was nothing compared to the aura that had engulfed the area. He felt like a tiny boat in front of a huge tide that could capsize at any moment.

It was only now that he had realised that compared to now, Aldebaran had not even released a tiny percent of his aura during the trial. The difference in strength between them was too vast.

Simon was aware that Aldebaran was strong but he didn’t know that he would be this strong. Just his aura was strong and overwhelming enough to engulf the whole Ancient Treants Territory which spanned hundreds of miles.

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Every treant that inhabited the area, bowed in deep reverence to this aura.

‘So this is the strength of one of the Seven Kings, the true rulers of the Ghastly Winding Forest’ Simon thought feeling the vast presence. The Ancient Titan Treant was already this strong, he couldn’t imagine how strong the other six kings were.

While Simon lost in his thoughts, Aldebaran spoke once again “Young man in regards to your unyielding willpower and determination, I’m willing to agree with your request. However, you must pass another of my trial”.

His tone was resolute and it seemed like he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Simon widened his eyes when he heard that Aldebaran was willing to accept his request of harbouring the Forest Spring Sprits inside his dungeon. But the next second he immediately frowned when he heard that the trial was not over yet.

Although he was composed, that wasn’t true for Cecilia who immediately flared in anger after she heard the shameless words of Aldebaran.

“Huh? How come he has to take another trial? He has already passed the trial you have set for him. Are you trying to go back on your words now that you have lost? Snort… Big brother doesn’t need to bother with this shameless old tree anymore. He is unwilling to accept defeat and that’s why he is trying to lure you into accepting another one of his nonsensical trials”.

Her words were sharp and didn’t contain any mercy towards the Ancient Titan Treant. Aldebaran old face twitched a little, but he tried his best to maintain his usual composure.

Ahem… forcing an awkward cough, Simon lightly knocked on Cecilia’s head. “Oww… big brother why did you hit me?” Cecilia complained.

“Be silent Cecilia. He is only thinking about the wellbeing of your clan and family. Don’t be rude” Simon said calmly. Cecilia simply snorted and didn’t bother to speak anymore.

Simon stared at Aldebaran for a while and deliberated over his words. He couldn’t sense any ill intent from him nor was there any deception in his words.

Nodding his head, Simon asked “May I know what the second trial is? Lord Alder!”.

Aldebaran smiled, he knew that given the character of Simon, he wouldn’t back down from achieving his goal. And he had seen that first hand during the trial.

“It is not a trial per se but an agreement between you and me of some sort. For your second trial, you must first subdue the three troublemakers of the north side of the forest within two year” Aldebaran said, musing a little.

Simon thought over it before nodding his head. He knew who Aldebaran meant by his words the three troublemakers of the north. Unwittingly, he remembered his previous shameful act of running away from the Earth Splitting Lower Dragon, one of the three overlords of the north.

At that time, he swore that he wouldn’t take the humiliation lying down and would re-engage with his foe sooner or later. It just so happens that the goals Aldebaran set for him coincided with his own. There was no reason for Simon to deny him.

Nodding his head, he said “Alright, I agree to your trial. Within a year I will subdue all three of them. But I believe that there is more to lord Alder’s trial than just subduing those three right?”.

Simon smiled as he looked towards Aldebaran. The way he phrased his words, Simon was sure that there were multiple phases to this trial and knowing the concern the Ancient Titan Treant had for Cecilia and her clan, there was no way the trial would be this simple.

Aware of what the young man was thinking, Aldebaran gave a loud laugh. His voice booming towards every corner.

“Young man, I am aware of the big goals you have set. Naturally, how can the trial be this easy? But you must not get careless. I have seen your fight with the Earth Splitting Lower Dargon previously. If you think its strength is the same as before then you are sorely mistaken”.

Simon felt his face heating up when he heard Aldebaran mention that. Him saying it like that was just giving Simon face. There was no fight when he met the Earth Splitting Lower Dragon. Far from it, he was forced to run away pathetically from the scene.

Of course, Simon was shocked that he was being monitored by Aldebaran all the while without even being aware. The distance between here and the northern region where one of the three overlords of the north lives was truly vast.

However, given the strength of Aldebaran, that might not be impossible. Although he was concerned about what Aldebaran said about the strength of the Earth Splitting Lower Dragon, it wasn’t enough to cower him like before. He had grown mentally a lot by then and even his rank and prowess had increased.

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‘The next time we fight, things would be different’ Simon resolutely said.

Seeing that the flames of determination were burning intensely in the young man’s eyes, Aldebaran stated.

“Secondly, within the time span of Seven years, you must reach the rank of Demon Duke”.

Simon was surprised nonetheless, he nodded his head in agreement. Simon was already a Demon Viscount and Demon Duke was two ranks above him i.e. above Demon Earl and Demon Marquess.

Although reaching the ranks of a Demon Duke with the time limit of Seven years would be extremely challenging, a herculean task like this was what Simon needed to keep on moving forward. Though it was difficult, it was not impossible.

To keep his promise and more so to protect those close to him, he must go beyond his limits and attain strength to protect them as soon as possible.

Aldebaran silently observed the facial reactions of Simon and seeing that there was no hesitation and only pure determination to succeed, he couldn’t help marvel at the young man once again.

“And Lastly within the allotted Seven years, you must become the ruler of the entire Ghastly Winding Forest… you must agree to these three conditions of mine”.

Aldebaran said in a solemn voice. He knew that he was asking for something incredibly unimaginable but precisely because he thought so highly of Simon’s potential that Aldebaran believe that he could do it.

It may be impossible for other high ranking demons but Simon was not ordinary. He was the person that was chosen by the very same fragment that once belonged to his lord.

Ruling the Ghastly Winding Forest mean ruling over the Seven Kings. They were existence on his level and similarly ruled over their own territories. One could even say that they were the pinnacle existences in this forest. The task may be impossible for someone else but Aldebaran believed that it not so for the possessor of the fragment of pride

Simon was dumbfounded by Aldebaran’s last condition. To subdue beings on the level of Ancient Titan Treant who view the three overlords of the north as nothing but troublemakers, was a monumental task to say no less.

If somebody else heard what Aldebaran had said, they would have a mental breakdown by now with how impossibly hard the task was. But Simon simply smiled.

‘It seems he had seen through my ambitions’ Simon mused, an intense flame to accept the challenge rose within his heart. Bringing them all under his rule within the stipulated Seven years would be an incredibly difficult task even for Simon.