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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 71 - 69: The Wyvern’s Heart Part 2
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"Leena, Leena! Are you here with me?" Alex shouted, breaking Leena from her recollection.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something.'' Leena finally reacted.

''What are you thinking about?" Alex asked.

''Curious are we?" Leena asked playfully.

''Forget it,'' Alex said not wanting to be teased by her.

''You are no fun at all. Well, I don't mind telling you what I was thinking about. I was remembering my last meeting with Smith.'' Leena said. The way she talked about him indicated that the two knew each other.

''It seems you know Smith and Sera. Well, I'm not surprised by it. You know a lot of people. I wonder what is your position.'' Alex wondered.

''It's secret. Come on, move to your next gift. You'll like it as well.'' Leena said pointing her finger toward one of the two remaining boxes on the table, this box was longer than the last one.

Alex picked up the box before opening it, instantly his eyes widened as he saw what was inside the box.

What was inside the box was a knife, a beautiful knife. Alex's heartbeat increased at the sight of that knife.

It was entirely black, picking it up Alex weighed it, it was a bit heavier compared to his Razor, it looks different as well. This knife remains him of MOSSY OAK Rambo Survival Hunting Knife. Same length as one he had seen on Amazon.

Overall length: 15"

Handle length: 5"

Blade length: 10"

Blade thickness: 5/32 inch (3.8 mm)

''Nice blade.'' Alex commended. When he wanted to test the blade sharpness on his fingertips Leena stopped him.

''I wouldn't do that if I were you.''

Alex stopped and asked, ''How do you come up with this design?"

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''Imagination, it's called imagination. Why did you ask? Is it because it looks like one of the knives from your world?" Leena replied before asking in turn.

''Yeah, it does look like a knife from my world.''

''Oh? I do understand why you seemed surprised at the sight of the knife. No need to be surprised because I was the one who created the one in your world as well.'' Leena said with a smile.

Alex rolled his eyes, ''You don't even know the name of the knife I'm talking about.''

''No need, I just designed it. I left the naming to others.''

''Jokes aside. Time to move towards the remaining box.'' Leena added.

Alex swings the knife a couple of times, familiarizing himself with it. The length and the weight perfectly fit in his hand, he couldn't say that it was like the extension of his hand but the feeling was not far from it, maybe he should familiarize himself more with the knife to be able to feel like that. He checked the knife one more time before storing it away.

After storing the knife and its box away, Alex moved toward the last box and opened it. Another surprise awaited him there. Inside the last box was a set of knives, twelve throwing knives to be more specific. They were silver in color with a white cord wrapped around the end.

''Beautiful'' was the first word that came out of Alex's mouth when he saw the knives.

''Indeed they are beautiful,'' Leena said proudly.

Alex picked one of the throwing knives, it was the same as his Black Bettie's. The famous United Cutlery UC2772 Expendables Kunai Throwing Knife used by Jason Statham in The Expendables. It was still a 12 inches knife, however, it was heavier than his Black Bettie's. It feels right in Alex's hand, it may be because of the level of his throwing knives skill, he doesn't know but it feels like an extension of his fingers. The white cord wrapped around the end of the knife's quality was different as well, it was soft yet it gives an indestructible feeling.

''What material is used to make this cord?" Alex asked, curious.

''It's a thread from a AA monster, an Arachne. A monster with a spider lower body and-"

''An human upper body, a woman to be exact.'' Alex cut Leena off and said.

''You seem to know it. Well, it doesn't matter. This monster is equal to a weak S rank monster. Its thread is extremely solid and durable, it's almost indestructible. It's comfortable in one's hand but that you must already notice it. I've asked to engraved these few runes of my making on the blade, look over there.''

Leena said pointing at the blade, they were indeed runes engraved on the blade, it started from the end of the blade (the Arachne's thread was wrapped around it but it was still visible) till the tip of the blade. It gave a mysterious vibe and it was also beautiful.

''What for?" Alex asked, the runes on the throwing knives were indeed beautiful but it was not their sole purpose, as there was no way it was the case, there must be another reason, a fundamental purpose for them to be inscribed there.

''It will be faster if I show you instead. Just drop a bit of your blood on the rune in the middle and you'll see something amazing happening shortly after.'' Leena suggested.

Even though it was not the answer Alex was expecting he still does as he was told.

Pricking himself with the tip of the throwing knives that he judged to be extremely sharp, Alex dropped a bit of his blood on the rune in the middle of the blade. Instantly, all the twelve throwing knives shined, it was short but in the meantime, Alex felt dizzy as if he had lost a lot of blood.

Before he could ask what happening to him, he heard a notification and a small window appeared before his eyes.

『New skill acquired: Link

Link Level 1:

It's a skill that links someone to an item spiritually. The higher is your level the more you'll be able to control the item linked.

Requirement: 10 MP per use.』

Alex stared dazedly at the window not understand how the skill works.

〖Nice skill. This girl is full of surprise. You are lucky to have her as a backer. What she just gave you it's amazing.〗Silveria who hadn't spoken for a while finally said something after seeing that skill.

'Sil, do you know how does the skill work?' Alex asked expecting an answer but instead, all he got was a giggle.

〖You'll have to find out yourself〗

Alex turned his face in Leena's direction, ''I've acquired a skill called Link. How does it work?"

Leena smiled before pointing at the table located at the other end of the second-floor terrace.

Alex understood, he threw the knife in his hand toward the table.


The silver knife got lodged into the middle of the table. It was extremely fast, faster than the Black Bettie's. He was starting to like the new throwing knives. Alex thought before looking back at Leena who was a look of appreciation in her eyes after witnessing that accuracy.

''Just think about the knife returning into your hand.'' Leena then said.

Alex's eyes widened and his heartbeat increased at the prospect of what about to happen.


He mumbled in his mind and instantly the knife returned into his hand as if it had never left.

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''Amazing.'' Alex praised honestly.

Indeed it was amazing, with this skill, the boring work of going to retrieve the knives thrown would stop.

''Thank you for the gifts. I love them. I can never thank you enough because with this I will not buy any other weapons for a long time. I may be an amateur but the materials used to make these weapons are probably one of the finest, if not the rarest. Truly thank you.'' Alex said while slightly bowing.

〖It's good that you feel gratified but you should thank me as well. I had said to come today there will something amazing awaiting you and indeed it was the case.〗Silveria said but Alex didn't respond.

''You welcome. It's the least I can do. Just try to stay alive because I'll need you in the future and please look after Gracier for me.''

''I will,'' Alex responded.

''Now, I want to know something and it will be good if you are frank with me. Can I?'' Leena suddenly said, the atmosphere around her changed as if to say she wouldn't like a lie as an answer.

''Ask'' Alex said, he had already an idea of what she wants to ask.

''What do you want the Wyvern's heart for?" Leena asked.

'As I thought.' Alex mumbled before explaining himself.

''I want it because I want to increase my MP.''

''I see. I've also thought that. Forgive me but from what I heard you can't use magic so tell me what use increasing your MP will have?"

''Even though I can't use magic. I still need MP, a lot of MP. It's for my Gift, I can't tell you more, so sorry.'' Alex explained not going too much into the details.

''No don't be. I'm satisfied with your answer. Here is my last gift for you. I hope it does help you.'' Leena said before taking out another box, it was a small box, this box was different than the others, it seemed to be made of sandalwood.

〖Waouh! She your lucky star. Never let her go, make her your woman if possible.〗Silveria suggested because she knew what was in that box.

Alex didn't respond as he took the box from Leena's hands.

''Thank you.'' He said before trying to open the box.

''I won't suggest that. Go on if you want to draw attention to yourself. It's the Wyvern's heart in that box, better opened it where there are no people around. Even if it's Wyvern's heart, the energy it contained isn't small, it will draw too many eyes, all of them will want it.'' Leena warned Alex who quickly stored the box away.

Alex was extremely happy to have acquired the Wyvern's heart, something he wasn't expecting when he came today.

''Gorgeous, shall we continue our date?" Alex asked extending his arm toward Leena, he became all gentlemanly, Leena smiled not bothered by it, she stood up after taking Alex's hand.


The two left the Golden Nugget after Alex paid the bill.