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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 67 - 65: Discussion With Leena Part 2
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Going back a little in a time when Alex was lost in thoughts (talking with Silveria), Leena received a message from somewhere, she touched the earrings on her left and spoke after observing Alex and creating a barrier around herself.

''What's up for you to call me now. I'm busy for your information. Go straight to the point.'' Leena said not minding her words.

The person on the other side responded as if not bothered by how Leena was speaking, it was a woman's voice.

''Ay ay. I will be quick. That person came again.''

''Tch! Not again. What does he want this time?" Leena asked in an annoyed tone.

Chuckling the woman on the other side explained,

''Same old thing he wants to know where you went. He asked me if it was because you are avoiding him or what. Well, this time it's also because it concerns that place. When-''

Immediately Leena curt her short and said,

''Hah! I got it. I'm coming back soon anyway. Let's see what he has to say then.''

In another location a beautiful was leaning against a counter observing the people chatting inside a hall, chuckling she said,

''It's good to hear your voice. Well, it's better now that you are coming back soon. I bet you have finally found what you were searching for all that time, hope it's worth the effort and lost time.''

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''Do you say something Ella?" another beautiful woman nearby asked.

''No, I was speaking to myself don't mind me,'' Ella said.

''I see.'' the beautiful woman continued doing her job seeing that Ella was not in the mood to speak.

Ella was the one speaking with Leena earlier.


Back to Alex's location.

After Leena ended her communication she observed Alex who was still lost in thoughts.

Supporting her chin with her arms she said,

''Look at him. Most men would be trying to make me laugh or boasting and yet here he is daydreaming in my presence. How audacious, he is behaving like he is not interested in me. Well, he is but he's restraining himself, as for why I don't know. Overall my evaluation of him went up.''

She then added, ''It's not because I think highly of him that I'll let him ignore me and continue daydreaming, time to wake him up for us to continue our discussion.''

After that, she tried to bring Alex who was talking with Silveria back several times until the latter responded.

''Continuing my explanation I'll correct you. He will not be branded as Demon king because only someone from the demon race can have that title, your friend will be seen as a threat to be eliminated if he became too greedy wanting to own the world. Also having the Hero class doesn't necessarily mean you'll save the world. This class is powerful than other normal classes it's why people badly want it. It's an extremely rare class. Does who have this class are destined to stand above others. Ironically most of those of managed to have this class were Otherworlders, only a selected few from this world managed to have this class, only two times to be exact. It's as if to tell us that Otherworlders are more tailored for this class.'' Leena explained with a weak smile.

''I see, too bad then. It's my turn to correct you. Leonardo is not my friend. None of his crew are my friend. Only Maria, Luna and Sakuya can be considered my friends. By the way how they are doing?" Alex asked.

Leena put on a happy smile when she heard these three names, they are famous after all.

''They are doing fine by themselves. They refused the second princess and the First prince's invitation. However because he had fallen in love with the three more specifically Maria, the first prince continues to pester her, saying she will be his Empress after he ascended to the throne with her help, no their help, he wants to add the girl named Luna in his Harem. She will be his first concubine.''

Leena explained while at the same time observing Alex's reaction to this news.

Frowning Alex rubbed his forehead and said,

''An annoying fly came.''

Leena burst into laughter and asked, ''You treat the First prince as a fly, how audacious. Are you perhaps jealous because he's wooing your women?"

It was now the turn of Alex to laugh. Finally, he calmed down before answering.

''Sorry, I'm not jealous of him. The girls and I did not have that kind of relationship, not yet. I can't deny that I'm interested in them but I have not made a move yet.''

''You said the First prince. If he's the first prince then why he is not crowned as the Crown Prince yet? Normally it should have been the case considered that he is the First Prince. The Crown Prince (First Prince) must have died for the Succession war to happen, however here the First Prince is still alive yet there is a Succession war going on with a First Prince not crowned as Crown Prince. Why is that?"

Alex asked because according to what he had read in fantasy books on Earth, it was how things work and yet over here it seems different, maybe it's this Empire's way of doing things, nevertheless, he wants to know.

Leena smiled while remembering that Alex was not from this world, reason why he was unaware of this world Empire's custom.

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Taking a deep breath she decided to give him a little lesson on this world.

''Before answering your question I will tell you a little about the geography of this world.''

Alex smiled because he hadn't had the time to read books on the geography of this world. He knew that there are several continents in this world, four if he remembers correctly. Also, he knew that the empire he was currently in was called Drexia Empire, there is also another empires and kingdoms, even principalities out there, how many he doesn't know, and now that somebody wants to help him update his knowledge on this world how can he not be happy.

''There are Four continents, the Human continent called Alexa Continent constituted of 04 Empires, 03 Kingdoms and 02 Principalities. I will only talk about the Empires. The First Empire is the Drexia Empire, the empire you are currently in, followed by Holy Crux Empire, an Empire governed by the church, there is no emperor only the Pope and his Cardinals. In the third and fourth place respectively are the Sarz Empire and the Sun Empire, surnamed Far East Empire because it's located at the East of the continent. By the way, Drexia Empire is located in the center of Alexa Continent.''

''Continuing, just after Alexa Continent is the beastman continent: Bestia, who has Two Empires and Two kingdoms. Lionheart Empire and the Wolfang Empire, It's spelled Wolfang but it's read Wolf fang. Then come the Elven continent: Elfira, my hometown. There is only one Empire that has the name of the continent and Two kingdoms. Lastly, there is the Demon race continent: Dark continent, there is one Empire: Crimson Empire and several kingdoms. That'll you have to know, for more in-depth information go read books on it, something you didn't do because you are too focused on leveling up which not bad but you should at least be well informed in the world you have set foot in.'' Leena ended her lesson on the geography of Mysthia with a warning.

''Don't worry I will do it later and thanks for the lesson,'' Alex promised.

Seeing he had taken her warning seriously Leena smiled and then continued.

''Now moving to our previous topic, I'll say Drexia Empire doesn't work in the way you spoke earlier. Princes and Princesses will be crowned only after they prove themselves and won the Succession war. It doesn't matter if you are the First Prince or the Firstborn children of the emperor, you must prove yourself worthy of the title before earning the crown. The system you talked about is only applied in the Sun Empire and the Three Kingdoms. The Two principalities follow Drexia and Sarz Empire's custom.''

''I see. I understand why the First Prince is desperate to have the girls. Maria is talented, the same goes for the other two. Having them in his faction assures him that he still has a chance in the race for the throne. Too bad it seems isn't working. His sister is already in the lead concerning who has Otherworlders in his/her faction. Well, it doesn't matter I'm not interested in joining any factions. Anyway, nobody gonna takes someone with useless and sealed Gift like mine.''

Hearing Alex's words, Leena was amused.

''Stop pretending, we both know that your Gift is far from being useless, nor it remains unsealed, you have already unsealed it. You may not want to join any factions but it doesn't mean nobody gonna approach you. Do not forget it's not only the Second Princess and the First Prince who are racing for the crown, there are another two prétendants. The Second Prince and the Third Princess who had not made any move yet. Some said she is not interested in the throne, it rests to be proved. You may not want to be dragged into muddy waters but it doesn't mean the muddy waters won't come to you because you have some it wants.''

''I know but I'll do my best not to be dragged if it's possible. So, tell me what do you want?"

Alex finally asked because both of them know they want something from each other and for Alex to ask for something it will depend on what Leena wants from him, time to know what the beautiful Elf receptionist (In disguise or walking for someone else) want.

Leena did not immediately answer she observed Alex for a while before finally.

''Let's drink before continuing.'' She suggested.