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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 64 - 62: A Normal Day
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Darkness had descended upon the city. The sun had long hidden itself away beneath the horizon and left the moon in its place. Try as it would, the moon simply couldn't provide the world beneath it with the sun's energy or radiance.

Inside a room located on the third floor in the Moonlight Inn, Alex and Gracier sat each on their bed after having just finished tonight's dinner.

Alex fetches out 4 Gold coins and 20 Silver coins and gave them to Gracier. The latter smiled as she played with the coins, she was really happy, she had overcome her fear of the monster, not totally but it was to a degree she could fight without freezing in fear. Do not forget that she leveled nine times and finally for her first quest she earned 4 Gold coins and 21 Silver coins, not many can earn this.

After calming down she pushed the money to Alex, already aware of why she did this, Alex took 2 Gold coins out of the 4 Gold coins and 21 Silver coins. Gracier finally accepted to keep the rest after a long discussion.

That night she slept happily, she slept in her bed, she didn't have a nightmare as she usually does, she slept with a smile on her face.


The next day, the first rays of the sun had pierced the Sky announcing the start of a new day.

Alex woke up and clean himself after doing his stretch up. Now he was sitting on his bed and in front of him was a blue panel containing his status.


[Alexander Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 2」

Level 15

Experience Value (XP): 1380/1600

Magic Power: 1320 (+ 30) ✒ 1350

Magic: None

Attack: 240 (+10) ✒ 250

Defense: 205 (+ 10) ✒ 215

Agility: 240 (+10) ✒ 250

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Intelligence: 240 (+10) ✒ 250

Luck: 190 (+10) ✒ 200

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 2] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 1] [Knife Art Level 2]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

Alex had gained 1600 XP (800 XP for the Queen Ant after some XP went to Gracier, and finally 800 XP for the two Imperial Ants he had slain.) With that amount of XP he was able to level up once and was left 1380 XP, 220 XP more to go before stepping into Level 16. Alex would have liked to be at least Level 17 before the expedition to the Zilya's mountain range for their test, but it's unlikely, he didn't have much time, the test will be taking place in few days, the exact date was unknown, it was suggested that the Adventurer should take a rest in this period.

Alex spat out a long sigh but when he wanted to Appraise Gracier she coincidentally woke up.

''Morning, Big brother.''

''Morning Gracier. Hope you slept well.'' Alex said smiling.

''Yes I slept well, all my exhaustion has gone as they have never existed. I'm rather excited today.'' Gracier said face full of smile.

''Isn't it because you are going out with your dear Big sister Leena shopping today?" Alex asked teasingly.

Gracier blushed like a child caught doing mischief, she cleared her throat and changed the subject, ''What are you planning to do today?"

Seeing she was changing the subject, Alex smiled before answering, ''Nothing, maybe a little tour in the city before coming back here to sleep, I just want to rest as much I can.''

''I see, or do you want to come with us?" Gracier asked after thinking a while.

''Thank you but I think I'll pass.'' Alex rejected. Leena will not be pleased with him coming and he did not want to become their baggage carrier as he knew how scary women can be once they start shopping, they brought things like there is no tomorrow.

''Too bad then. I'll bring you a souvenir.''

Gracier left these words behind before stepping into the bathroom.

While Gracier was going toward the bathroom Alex quickly appraised her.


Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Level 10

Experience Value: 400/1100

Magic Power: 1040 (+5) ✒ 1045

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 150 (+5) ✒ 155

Defense: 120 (+5) ✒ 125

Agility: 140 (+5) ✒ 145

Intelligence: 130 (+5) ✒ 135

Luck: 140 (+5) ✒ 145

BP: 10

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 1] [Meteor (???)] [Dragon Eye Level 3] [Fire Snake Level 1] [Fire Shield Level 1] (New Skill)

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened]』

Gracier was Level 10 now, she even acquired a new skill Fire Shield, she acquired this skill after using her two fireballs as a shield.

Sometimes you can create skill by being creative just like Gracier. However, this doesn't mean it easy to acquire skill, Luck and Intelligence can play a crucial role in helping you create a new skill.

''I've finished, how do I look?"

Gracier's voice brought Alex back, he was lost in thought, lifting his head Alex observed Gracier, she was really beautiful in her one-piece princess robe, instead of White color her robe was red in contrast with her flaming red hair tied in French braids style. He couldn't help but praise her honestly,

''Beautiful, you're beautiful Gracier."

''Thank you, Big brother. Let's go.'' Gracier said smiling.

The two left for the first floor, a lot of people praised Gracier there, after taking their breakfasts, Gracier excused herself and left to meet up with Leena for their shopping, as for Alex he stayed there chatting with Lea and some customers, two hours later he also left.

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A blue sky was spread outside, with the sunlight pouring down, this weather could b called good summer weather.

Alex went to a bookstore and brought several books to read to kill time. On his way back to the Inn he stopped by a drug store, he brought several potions, potions to recover one's physical strength, standard mana potions that recovered magical power, medicine that recovered abnormal states, and antidotes for paralysis were the potions he brought.

Once inside the Inn, Alex directly went to the third floor and entered their room before closing it, taking some books out from his Item box, Alex also took out few potions he brought and observed it.

The usage of potion was extremely simple, you can drink or pour it onto a wound.

If you drink it, the effect will be much higher. First of all, the effect reaches the whole body and not just the injured part, the recovery effect also lasts longer to some degree it was said. Besides, physical strength is also somewhat restored. Although if applied at the location of the wound, the recovery is a bit faster, that's it.

However, there are no additional effects such as sustained recovery or recovering physical strength.

But still, most people would apply it to a wound, the number of people who drink potions directly are few. Why was that? It was simply because potions were unpalatable.

Alex had the urge to puke remembering the taste of Mana potion he had drunk back then.

Like everything, there was an exception, Mana potion and Physical recovery Potion should be drunk contrary to Healing potion. Well, some came up with a solution to fight against the bitterness of the potion by diluting it, still, if you choose this option the efficiency of the potion will be halved by diluting.

Even if the effect was high, drinking it in combat would be impossible due to the taste, it would be suicidal if you are not cautious enough.

Suddenly, Alex thought about something. There were dungeons and this is a fantasy, it was to say they must some accessories to recover one Mana or to help one boost his physical strength and a lot more. Thinking about it, Alex couldn't help but smile looking forward to it, maybe he will see some of these things once stepping into the capital.

Shaking his head Alex regained his cool, afterward he read a book that talked about the exploit of the former Hero who had slain the Demon King. Well, Alex was sure that most of the details were exaggerated to please the public.

Still, he must say Hero is cool if not for their tragic destiny of saving the world at the cost of their life, their happiness. He doesn't want to be a Hero but if his loved ones were threatened because the world was going to end he will save it not for the well-being of the people but simply because his loved ones were threatened. That's how he thinks and how he will live, this is Alexander Touch's way of doing things.

Alex sleeps until late in the evening, it was Gracier who woke him up when she entered the room and saw him sprawled on the bed drooling. Afterward, the two ate before Gracier gave a present to Alex.

Unwrapping the present, Alex saw a pendant inside a box, the pendant was beautiful, it was a carving of an eagle who spread its wings. The material used to make the eagle was mostly a green jade, the cord wrapped around the eagle was also special.

An Eagle spreading its wings, symbolize freedom, Gracier helped Alex wear the pendant.

''Thank you,'' Alex says.

''You welcome.''

Alex felt lighter after wearing the pendant, he didn't check his status yet but somehow he had the feeling that it was an accessory, however when he tried to probe Gracier to learn from where she brought this pendant because he was sure no stores here sell accessories (because himself had searched for one with no avail), he was faced with Gracier's refusal to tell him anything on the matter, so he was forced to drop the matter.

Only one person can help her get this type of accessory, Leena.

Unknown to him, it was not Leena who gave her this, not exactly, it was a keepsake her mother owned, from where it is was unknown, it was the only thing left from her mother she had, she lost it after being caught by the slave trader, Leena recuperated it and gave it back to her today, how does she know it was hers was unknown, still Gracier was happy to have recuperated this pendant and now that she was back, she gifted it to Alex because he was dear to her.

〖Master, it is not good to try to know a woman's secret, you won't be popular you know?〗Silveria said teasingly.

Not offering any reply because he feels like he will lose if he were to do it, Alex continued chatting with Gracier until it was time to sleep, tomorrow was going to be his Date with Leena. Alex decided to sleep while thinking that from time to time he must have this kind of normal day.