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Chasing The Rejected

Chapter 36
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Chapter 36 ~CLARA~ "So how have you been?" Liam questioned while staring atwith a shift smile but before I could speak, Damon spoke; "Oh I've been doing okay. Working as the future Alpha King isn't easy" He muttered and I turned to him with a glare but he just flashed us a petty smile.

"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Clara" Liam muttered through clenched teeth. It was obvious he was trying to contain his anger because he was for one in Damon's territory and two, he could never win against Damon.

"Well she's my wife so I can talk for her, can't I? Besides, she spends most of her twithso I'm sure I can give you all the deeds. Where should we start from? Oh yeah, remember when I f**d you in your room and you beggedto continue like a little sl**t? Remember when I..." I slapped Damon across the face before I could stop myself and everyone gasped loudly while i stood up abruptly.

"This was a mistake" I muttered then around and walked away. I could hear Liam callingbut I didn't dare turn around so Damon could see how badly he hurtwith his words. How could he talk aboutin such a manner? I wiped away my tears as I walked out of the restaurant, ignoring all the stares and murmurs.

I was just about to get into the car when a hand reached out and grabbed mine. I hated the fact that I already knew who it was from the touch.

"You'll followin my car" Damon muttered as he tried draggingtowards his car but I yanked my hand out of his grip.

"I'm not going anywhere with you so leavealone!" I screamed and was about to turn away frombut he grabbed my shoulder and turnedback towards him and our eyes immediately connected.

His were filled with rage and something else I couldn't decipher while mine was filled with anger and hurt.

"Do you want to scream out here then fine. How could you go out with him, Clara?" He questioned. He had the guts to askthat? "And do you care who I go out with? I don't meddle in your business so you better not meddle in mine" I muttered and was about to walk away but he grabbedand pulledroughly towards him and I hated the way my body instantly reacted to him.

"Let's go inside the car and talk, we are creating a scene" He muttered and that was when I noticed a small crowd had gathered and even though they were trying to behave like they weren't looking, we knew they were. "You are the one creating a scene so let go" I muttered and tried pulling away but he was far stronger than I was. I gasped lightly when he pickedup and threwover his shoulders.

"Letgo! What do you think you're doing?!" I screeched but he just ignoredas he carriedtowards his car.

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"My gown is too short for this, Damon. I'm flashing everyone" I muttered as I tried pulling down my gown that had ridden up to my butt.

"Look away everyone!" He ordered and everyone immediately turned away. I stopped protesting when we were already close to the car, knowing it was a futile battle.

We got to the car and he placedback on my feet.

1/3 "I hate you" I muttered as I glared up at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Nothing I haven't heard before. Get in" He muttered and I shook my head. 11:31 Tue, 2 Jul M Chapter 36 1007 "I'm not staying in there with your mistress" I muttered and he chuckled.

"Now is not the tto be jealous sweetheart. Besides, I left her in the restaurant. Get in" He muttered as he opened the door forand I wanted to be stubborn but I really didn't like too many eyes onso I climbed in reluctantly.

Damon closed the door then seconds later, he got in and the driver immediately zoomed away.

We were quiet for a while till he spoke.

"Going out with Liam was a b**h move, Clara" He muttered and I scoffed.

"Oh so you wantedto just stay at hand wonder what girl you're going to bring home? I can watch you cheat but you can't?" I muttered and he gritted his teeth.

"Yes" He uttered and I scoffed.

"Unbelievable, I can't do this with you right now" I muttered as I turned away from him to look out the window.

"Clara..." "Do you know how much pain I've... My wolf has been in watching your infidel activities? You don't even do it behind my back, you do it in front of me. Is that how meaningless I am to you?" I questioned and he frowned.

"Clara..." "No, listen to me. I will not be made to share again, Damon. I will not sit back and be disrespected again so if you want to continue then rejectso I can stop feeling these feelings for you. So I can stop hurting when you bring another girl home. So I can't stop..." Before I could get out the last sentence, Damon grabbed my face and pressed his lips on mine.

I stilled for a while but immediately welcomed his kiss. He pulled away seconds later and placed his forehead on mine.

"If you'd lettalk, you'd know that I never slept with those girls. I never even touched them" He murmured and I frowned.

"You are lying" I murmured and he shook his head.

"I'm not. I won't lie and say I didn't try the first tbut I couldn't do it, I couldn't get myself to do it" He murmured and I stared into his eyes to see if he was lying but they were sincere.

"If you never slept with them then why were they always around? That girl earlier today was half naked and you're tellingyou never slept with them?” I questioned softly and he sighed.

"I brought them hto prove a point to you. That I could do whatever I wanted and that sex with you was nothing special toand that girl, she was already drunk when I brought her hand she tried to seduceby taking of her clothes. I threatened to kill her if she didn't put on her clothes and she ran out of the room" He revealed and I frowned.

"The sex we had was nothing special to you? I've been loosing my mind over here, Damon" I uttered and he sighed.

"If I wasn't affected, I would slept with those girls, Clara. I couldn't do it because of how much I compared them to you. Even their touch disgustedand that had never happened before" He murmured and I stared at him for a while.

"It's because of our mate bond. It's binding us to one another and it's causing these unnecessary feelings. If we can't stand it then we can end it. You'll see a second chance mate and..." "No" He interjected and I frowned.

"I can't take it, Damon. I can't keep letting this affect me. I just can't” I murmured and he sighed.

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"I'm just trying to protect you, Clara" He uttered and I scoffed.

"From what?" 1761 "From myself, Clara. You can't love me, I'm not good for you and I'll never be good for you. After I becAlpha King, I'm going to reject you. That was and is the plan and that's why I want you to hateso it will be easier for..." +5

"I can't hate you, trustI've tried and I know how this relationship is going to end but is it really necessary to hurt each other till the end? I won't love you if that's what you want but I don't want to be hurt this way" I murmured and we went quiet for a while. "Then what do you want, Clara? Tell me" He murmured as he turned to me.

"For you to be a proper husband toand I will be a proper wife to you. We shouldn't care about what the future holds, we are mates and we'll ΕΠ remain mates for now so our actions have consequences. No more fooling around with others" I murmured and he scoffed. "You were with your ex" "My wolf wanted to make you jealous for hurting her" I murmured and he scoffed.

"Jealous? I wasn't jealous" He uttered and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah sure. No more fooling around with others, do you agree?" I urged and he sighed.

"It's not like I can anyways" S "No more demeaningin public and I can have a say in saffairs, not all. Clearly you don't respect my personal life so I won't respect yours. No more cheating and..." "I've heard you now climb on top of my lap and showjust how good of a wife you can be” He murmured as he arranged himself and my eyes instantly landed on the bulge of his pants.

Without saying anything else, I climbed on top of him, slamming my lips on his while I grinded on him.

I knew I was going to regret it the first day I asked us to have a sexual relationship and he was right it was better if we didn't like each other so that when we separated, it won't be as painful as it ought to be but it was too late, I was already falling for my husband. "When I saw you in that red dress, it took all my will power not to bend you over that table and f**k you senselessly" He muttered against my lips and I moaned slightly.

Yes, I was totally screwed because I was falling for my contracted husband....