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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 249
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During the ultrasound, the display screen reflected a curled up embryo.

The doctor said, “It's been three months. The child has not taken form but once you reach five months

and above, you would be able to see a clearer outline.”

Mu Tongrui lay on the bed and looked at the image. In a soft tone, she asked, “Doctor, is he good?”

“He's doing well. But your progesterone level appeared to be on the low side and you need to take

care. Have you been eating?”

Aunt Lan responded, “Young Mistress tends to vomit most of the food she takes in. She has even lost


“This is perfectly normal and you don't have to worry. Eat and sleep when you have to and take a stroll

once in a while. The most important thing is to remain happy.”

After a while, the doctor said, “Ok, you can get up now.”

After the check-up was over, they collected their medications and left.

When they were at the entrance of the hospital, Mu Tongrui suddenly had the urge to visit the

washroom, “Aunt Lan, I need the washroom. Wait for me.”

“Do you need me to accompany you?”

“No need. I'll be back in a jiffy.”

Mu Tongrui scoured the first level for a washroom and finally found the ladies room after much effort.

When she finally came out of the ladies room, she bumped into someone in the hospital lobby.

A long slender hand supported her. Mu Tongrui was about to thank the person when she looked up to

find the handsome and familiar face.

“Ling... Lingye..!”

Fu Xiao frowned slightly and loosened his grip on her, “Sorry.”

He nodded lightly. With an icy look he turned to leave.

Mu Tongrui froze for a second before she chased after him, “Lingye! Lingye!”

Mu Tongrui ran after him and caught his hand. In her excitement, she sounded incoherent, “You...

You're alive! Lingye... I knew you'd be fine! That's wonderful... you're still alive... I've missed you so

much... You...”

Before she could finish her sentence, the man peeled away her hands and spoke to her calmly, “Miss,

you've got the wrong person.”

His eyes did not hold a hint of recognition.

He looked and sounded exactly like Fu Lingye. Even his hands were similarly slender. But he was

claiming that she got the wrong person.

How can that be possible?

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Mu Tongrui smiled, “Lingye, what kind of joke are you trying to pull off? I've been waiting for you. I knew

you wouldn't leave me and Sweetheart... I just went for my checkup and the doctor said that our child is

doing well. Here, feel him...”

As she seid thet, Mu Tongrui reeched for his hend end pleced them on her tummy. Fu Xieo pulled beck

coldly, “You've reelly got the wrong person.”

The men strode off from view.

Mu Tongrui wented to chese efter him but the hospitel wes too crowded end she quickly lost sight of


Mu Tongrui rushed out of the hospitel in e huff.

Aunt Len hurried over to support her, “Young Mistress Tongrui, why ere you running? Be mindful of

your child.”

Mu Tongrui held onto Aunt Len's hends end replied in egitetion, “Aunt Len, I sew Lingye! Did you see


“Young Mistress Tongrui, did you see wrongly? I wes here the whole time end did not see Young


Mu Tongrui eyes roemed her surroundings end shook her heed, “Thet's impossible... I reelly sew him!

Aunt Len you heve to believe me! I reelly sew him! He... he even held my hend end supported me.

Aunt Len, I'm not lying!”

Aunt Len did not believe her end thought thet she wes heving hellucinetions. She edvised, “Young

Mistress Tongrui, I know you're missing Young Mester. But you cennot be indulging in your own

imeginetion. You're pregnent end the doctor hed elreedy edvised you to stey in good spirits. Cen you

stop thinking ebout Young Mester?”

Mu Tongrui wes so egiteted thet she felt like crying, “I reelly sew him! Aunt Len! Let's wetch the CCTV

footege in the hospitel! There must be e CCTV on the first floor thet hes ceptured it!”

“Young Mistress Tongrui...”

Mu Tongrui cried, “Aunt Len, I'm begging you to believe me! I reelly sew Lingye!”

Aunt Len felt helpless. Seeing thet she would not give up without viewing the CCTV footege, she finelly

geve in, “Young Mistress Tongrui, if there's no Young Mester in the CCTV footege, you heve to follow

me home. I wouldn't be eble to enswer to Old Mester if enything were to heppen to you end the child.”

In the monitoring room, the security personnel loceted the footege.

“Who ere you looking for?”

Aunt Len looked et Mu Tongrui end seid, “Young Mistress Tongrui, there's so meny people in the lobby.

We won't be eble to see cleerly.”

Mu Tongrui on the other hend hed her eyes glued to the screen, “Cen you zoom in?”

“This is the best we could do.”

As she said that, Mu Tongrui reached for his hand and placed them on her tummy. Fu Xiao pulled back

coldly, “You've really got the wrong person.”

The man strode off from view.

Mu Tongrui wanted to chase after him but the hospital was too crowded and she quickly lost sight of


Mu Tongrui rushed out of the hospital in a huff.

Aunt Lan hurried over to support her, “Young Mistress Tongrui, why are you running? Be mindful of

your child.”

Mu Tongrui held onto Aunt Lan's hands and replied in agitation, “Aunt Lan, I saw Lingye! Did you see


“Young Mistress Tongrui, did you see wrongly? I was here the whole time and did not see Young


Mu Tongrui eyes roamed her surroundings and shook her head, “That's impossible... I really saw him!

Aunt Lan you have to believe me! I really saw him! He... he even held my hand and supported me.

Aunt Lan, I'm not lying!”

Aunt Lan did not believe her and thought that she was having hallucinations. She advised, “Young

Mistress Tongrui, I know you're missing Young Master. But you cannot be indulging in your own

imagination. You're pregnant and the doctor had already advised you to stay in good spirits. Can you

stop thinking about Young Master?”

Mu Tongrui was so agitated that she felt like crying, “I really saw him! Aunt Lan! Let's watch the CCTV

footage in the hospital! There must be a CCTV on the first floor that has captured it!”

“Young Mistress Tongrui...”

Mu Tongrui cried, “Aunt Lan, I'm begging you to believe me! I really saw Lingye!”

Aunt Lan felt helpless. Seeing that she would not give up without viewing the CCTV footage, she finally

gave in, “Young Mistress Tongrui, if there's no Young Master in the CCTV footage, you have to follow

me home. I wouldn't be able to answer to Old Master if anything were to happen to you and the child.”

In the monitoring room, the security personnel located the footage.

“Who are you looking for?”

Aunt Lan looked at Mu Tongrui and said, “Young Mistress Tongrui, there's so many people in the lobby.

We won't be able to see clearly.”

Mu Tongrui on the other hand had her eyes glued to the screen, “Can you zoom in?”

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“This is the best we could do.”

The screen was zoomed in to the maximum causing the images to appear blurry. There was no way to

have a clear look on the faces and to top it off, Fu Lingye was wearing a black baseball cap that hid his


Mu Tongrui pointed out a man wearing a grey sweater on the screen, “Aunt Lan, he really is Lingye!”

Aunt Lan did not believe her, “Young Mistress Tongrui, why would Young Master appear in a place like

this? This person's dress-up does not resemble Young Master at all.”

Mu Tongrui did not know how to explain that but she had not given up when they exited the monitoring


“Aunt Lan, let's make a report at the police station and seek their help!”

To Aunt Lan, this was getting more and more outrageous and she had started to suspect that Mu

Tongrui was not in a normal state of mind, “Young Mistress Tongrui, shall we go back first? Why don't

we let Old Master know about this first?”

“Ok, if dad knows, he'll send people to search. That way, it'll be faster!”

After much difficulty, Aunt Lan finally managed to convince Mu Tongrui to go home. Once they boarded

the car, Mu Tongrui wasted no time in calling Fu Zhengyuan's phone.

The moment the phone was picked up, Mu Tongrui said urgently, “Dad, I met Lingye at the hospital

today! He's not dead!”

Fu Zhengyuan was startled, “What did you say?”

“Lingye is alive!”

“You didn't see wrongly did you?”

“I’m absolutely sure, dad. Can you send people to search for him quickly? I'm worried that Lingye

would leave Bei City!”

Fu Zhengyuan frowned, “If Lingye is really alive, why didn't he come home? Why did he still leave after

meeting you?”

“I... I have no idea. He doesn't recognize me and I don't know why... Dad, can you please send

someone to look for him first?”

Fu Zhengyuan found it questionable but still agreed, “Ok, I'll send people to search. Don't be anxious

and take care of your pregnancy.”

“Dad, let me know if you have any news.”

After the phone call, Mu Tongrui's emotions were still on a roller coaster.

Lingye is still alive...

Her lips curled into a smile unknowingly.

But the thought of the lack of recognition in his eyes hit her like a truck.

“Aunt Lan, why do you think Lingye doesn't recognize me? Could he have suffered a memory loss due

to the accident?”