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Be Spoiled After Rebirth (Selena and Osvaldo)

Chapter 957 Rumors
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Chapter 957 Rumors The Shaw siblings rushed over after receiving a phone call and were greeted by the sight of a man rolling around on the floor.

Their faces darkened simultaneously.

Freddie walked up to James with a cigarette in his mouth and asked in a cold voice, "Did he ask you to do this?" James gave him a cold glance and replied, "What if he did?" Freddie took a deep breath and laughed out of frustration, "He doesn't even care about his reputation anymore just for that woman?!" James remained expressionless and retorted, "When have you ever seen him care about his reputation?" Freddie choked and his face became even more unsightly.

James looked at Diana coldly and said, "You know what kind of person he is, yet you still allowed this person to publicly humiliate his woman using his power. When did you become so foolish?" Freddie rubbed his forehead with his hand.

Even for the Shaw family, who had a large business empire, the resources sponsored by the Anderson family's research department were still a considerable expense.

Upon hearing James' words, Diana suddenly realized, "Is it Selena? She reported to Mr. Anderson, so he..." She was so angry that her lips trembled.

She was both angry and guilty.

Angry that Selena was shameless enough to use her pillow talk to destroy her resources and status.

Guilty that Selena might have told Osvaldo the truth.

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Did Osvaldo suddenly act against her because he believed what Selena said? A sense of fear crept into Diana's heart, and she gritted her teeth.

But at the same time, she also felt that it was unlikely.

After all, based on what she had observed, Selena seemed to have no intention of telling Osvaldo about the "Sacred Pearl" issue.

It was precisely because she knew this loophole that she had extreme confidence in her blatant seizure of the Sacred Pearl.

And Selena's reaction in the meeting room today also clearly indicated that she had just learned about the fact that the "Sacred Pearl" was in her hands.

So what's going on now? Diana looked straight at Freddie, her face full of anger. "Mr. Shaw, how can the interests of the entire research department be ruined by Selena? You grew up with Mr. Anderson, aren't you supposed to consider your brotherly relationship with him?" Freddie gave her a cold look and grabbed her chin. "I'll make up for the resources of the research department later, but remember, Diana, if you can't give me what | want, I'll kill you!" The Shaw family had invested a lot in Diana. If she couldn't give them the corresponding return in the end...

A flash of cruelty passed through Freddie's eyes.

Diana's chin was painful from being pinched. She felt afraid and angry, her eyes turning red as she shouted, "Mr.

Shaw, this is Selena's fault! That treacherous woman!" Selena dared to target and suppress her, relying on Osvaldo's favor towards her! And Osvaldo, as the heir of the Anderson family, could really be so shameless as to do something that would damage his own reputation for a woman...

Selena! Freddie let go of Diana, who was still seething with anger, and looked at James. "He will eventually be ruined by that woman!" James sneered, "So far, Selena is at least a hundred times stronger than the woman you value." Freddie's face darkened, and he remained silent. He had no choice.

With Selena seeking revenge on the Shaw family, Osvaldo helping her, and the sudden rise of the Turner family, the Shaw family's situation had become precarious. So, even though he knew Diana was no match for Selena, he could only choose to support her.

After all...

Once the "Sacred Pearl" was successfully developed, not only Selena, but even Osvaldo would become insignificant.

Freddie suppressed his anger and turned to leave.

Vivian gave Diana a disgusted look. "Watch your mouth. If you cause trouble for the research department again, be careful!" Diana was threatened by two leading members of the Shaw family, her face already ugly, now turning even more grim.

Both of them had developed an ambiguous feeling for a man, which was normal but not conducive to harmony.

Although Vivian's identity was more noble, Diana had a mechanic identity and had some influence in the Second District. The Shaw family needed her as a link to the Second District.

Previously, even if Vivian didn't like her, she wouldn't dare to threaten her so openly.

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But now, even an useless woman from the Shaw family dared to treat her like this! It was all Selena's fault! Diana stared at the gradually emptying warehouse, a trace of ferocity flashing in her eyes.

And for the sake of venting his girlfriend's anger, Osvaldo openly withdrew the resources promised to the research department. Just overnight, the news spread throughout the capital, causing a public outcry.

Previously, they had only heard that the Anderson family's young master doted on his girlfriend, but they hadn't really seen it for themselves. However, with this incident, people finally glimpsed a bit of it. After all, for men, especially those in high positions of power, there is nothing more important than face. Just look at those wealthy families, how many problems do they create every day to maintain their own face? Mr. Anderson, on the other hand, went to bat for his girlfriend because the research department had wronged her. And the target of his actions was still his "life-saving benefactor"! Overnight, the Anderson family's young master went back on his word and was accused of ingratitude, and the news spread throughout the entire aristocratic circle.

And those young ladies, though they mocked and jeered on the surface, were secretly envious of Selena. After all, not everyone has the qualifications to make a man of high position and power sacrifice his face to protect her! While they were envious, they also did their best to spread rumors about the Turner family's young lady, saying she was ignorant and capricious, unsuited for important tasks.

Overnight, this couple became famous in the capital.

Because she had to go to the laboratory, Osvaldo reluctantly took Selena back to the Turner family's residence the night before.

The next morning, after Selena got up and washed up, she met Patrick's strange gaze as she came downstairs.

As she sat down at the dining table, Selena blinked and asked, "What's wrong?" Patrick looked at her and coughed softly, "Selena, if you hear any unpleasant rumors when you go out today, just ignore them." Selena carefully observed his expression, which didn't seem upset, but it wasn't exactly happy either. She raised an eyebrow.

Did someone give her a new label again? "It's okay," Selena replied lightly, "as long as it doesn't involve me, | can pretend | didn't hear it." After all, she was used to it.

Patrick looked at her deeply. If Selena heard rumors about herself, she might not get angry, but could she restrain herself from getting angry if she heard rumors about Osvaldo?