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Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 573 Day 1
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The strange embrace caused Emeros to calm down. The vision he had seen was terrifying, and the demand was too high. In the myriad of emotions that Emeros felt, he somehow felt a great sense of comfort.

Emeros fell asleep.

Yet even then, Pseudon could speak to him.

"It's one of the few things I could give. The comforting hug that your mother passed on. It won't make you stronger... but I hope it can help me, and she apologizes for everything we put you through." Pseudos smiled.

"The me now is already dead. Yet, in my lies, I divided my form into many weaker incarnations. I took Some weak forms in the hope that I would meet you. But for this to be kept hidden, these incarnations of mine won't remember themselves to be me. But they will sense some strange form of familiarity to you." Pseudos explained as his form began to fade.

A small, faint power began to cover Emeros.

"Your brothers conceal and reveal. You are the reason why secrets have not been known, and that which was revealed has not been hidden. You are the Keeper. But you are not just that. You have the power that we hope could defeat End. Of course, knowing now would be too soon. Figure it out. We know you can. As a last gift, I will give you a small increase in your stats, and your mother's Wisdom will allow you to gauge the stats of items and enemies. This is actually quite overpowered. Your brother didn't need it since he was smart enough to easily know the stats of the enemy." 

Pseudos held Emeros's head and slowly vanished into nothingness.

Emeros felt the energy envelop him. The love of his parents for all three of them surrounded him, and he felt his body being strengthened.

As Emeros fell into a deep sleep, he saw a strange vision.

It was a familiar fat man standing in a vast field of white.

"Hey, guys." Calaminus smiled.

"Kyros, I guess... this is it. It seems that I've been lying to you the whole time. I've known of the plan of Wisdom for a while, and we knew that I would have to die, and I mean, really die... It sucks, I know. But this was the plan. Time has to End for Eternity to be born. Our enemies thought that Time has to End for End to win, but it's quite the opposite. Time limits creation. It binds them and allows decay. I have to go for it to continue. Now you may ask, why would the eccentric God do that? Well, one is my wife. I want her to be alive. And the other is another woman who I love so much. In her is the power of Free Time. My daughter is out there. Emeros. It will be up to you to find her. Like you, she was born into a place where Fate and Destiny's war do not wage. Even I don't know if she's alive. But I trust Wisdom's arrangements." Calaminus smiled, and his gaze locked straight to Emeros.

"Kyros. I hope you'd be alive and get to hear my last goodbye. I... well, it's been fun. It was a wild ride, and I know my death comes like a shock to you. A part of the real me didn't want to make our last gamble on you. But having half of my soul sealed in you and watching you grow just got me thinking, damn... This Nephilim really is our hope to conquer End!" Calaminus smiled.

"I know leaving you unceremoniously like this sucks... But at least I could claim that I saved the awesome Kyros! And not just him, even great Noxus too! We made a great team, right?" Calaminus smiled with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for being such an... annoying person. I couldn't help it! With what a great future you hold, I'm sure the three of you could do it! Be the greatest beings of this Universe! Ascend, oh Nephilim, and become Eternity! Save my family! And do tell my wife... to remarry. I mean, if she can. I doubt that she can move on from all this." Calaminus bragged as he showcased his fat body.

"And when you do, all that I can hope for is that for all the jokes or weird things I said, you'd at least remember me as your corny, don't-know-how-to-read-a-room friend. Thanks, Kyros! Thanks, Nephilim! It's been so much fun! Time to say goodbye! Get it? Time?" Calaminus chuckled as the white light faded and turned to darkness.

Emeros's soul saw the darkness, and one of the two small memories and souls that accompanied him became heavy.

"Such a corny goodbye, Calaminus. Thank you." Emeros believed he spoke on behalf of Kyros and cried out what Kyros wanted so hard to say as he said goodbye to the first friend he made in his rebirth. 

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Emeros dreamed of strange dreams from all the battles once more. And then he woke up.

Emeros saw the dark room deep inside the mines and glanced at the ceiling.

A part of him didn't want to move as he still couldn't believe it to be true. Many things were engraved in his mind, and the very same system to gauge the Wisdom of his mother was in his thoughts.

"Stats..." Emeros called out, hoping that nothing would appear.



Soul Age: 12

Bone Age: 12

Level 1

Strength: 18

Magic: 11

Dexterity: 15

Vitality: 18

Intelligence: 134 (Classified as 'Smart' in most kingdoms)

Second Source: 11


The stats appeared, and a huge pressure crushed Emeros's heart again.

"It's real..." Emeros sighed. He felt a great weight surround his body, and he didn't want to move, knowing what he had to do.

"What do I even do...?" Emeros felt a great sense of frustration. He cried at the pitiful stats he saw.

Kyros had the strength that reached the thousands! His slashes could cleave mountains! But now, Emeros had 18!

Emeros struggled and pushed himself with all of his might. He didn't want to move and wanted to lie down and be a useless miner that would work. His mortality told him to live his life. If he fights End, he will most likely die. So why not die as a weak mortal? Why struggle?

These thoughts filled Emeros, but then he remembered something.

"... Revenge. Revenge for my friends at the orphanage! Revenge for those who accused me of all those things!" Emeros kept thinking about those, and he finally sat up.

He was panting, and his body was sweating. But his rise caused him to abandon the mortal thinking that afflicted many.

"I have to move! This is the first day of me being a Nephilim! At the very least, I will have my Revenge!" Emeros vowed and walked out of the room.

The mines were still quiet as Emeros had walked up earlier than the rest. He walked deep into the mines, and some parts were not even lit up yet.

Emeros took a torch and remembered Kyros's memories of how he fought against the lizardkin and the lizardmen in the dark maze.

"Hmm...? Hic.... You're already... up?" A drunk man moved closer.

Emeros saw the uniform and knew he was a Captian level.

"Captain. I got bored. I guess I wanted to move out and explore the mine."

"Explore... the mine? You're crazy. Even if there are many Champions patrolling this place... the numerous exits in the vast mountain ranges open this place up to a lot of vile monsters, kid! What are you, level one?"

"Then... wouldn't all of us just die here?"

"No idiot! You can- hic... work your way to the top! The more stones you harvest..., the more money you can get, and you can make requests to our in-house... Hic... in-house mage! You can also... bring in the monsters you kill... and have him... hic... extract the energies for level up... with-hic... fees... And kid... get your weapon in the armory! Don't go exploring until you have at least... hic... three companions..." The drunk captain moved on and began to hum an odd tune.

Emeros set out for the rooms and began to pay attention to the signs he found along the way.

He headed towards the armory, where a lazy, fat man watched and gave him a sword and a helmet along with some leather armor and boots.

Emeros glanced at the item and could feel his mind surging.



Attack: 10

Durability: 4


Leather Helm?

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Defense: 10

Durability: 3


Leather Armor?

Defense: 10

Durability: 2


Emeros nearly wept.

Kyros and Noxus's sword had an attack of 128 when he and Noxus fought in the end.

Their armor, the Wings of the Light and Shade, had a defense of 127. 

"Even the Steele family servants had defenses that were high!" Emeros complained.

With no choice but to move on, Emeros walked and saw the sign that pointed to the other area.

"Energy Formation Circle expert..." Emeros read the sign and realized that it would be the mage expert who would convert the energy from the dying beast and go through an expensive magical process of leveling up.

But another thought entered Emeros's mind.

"A potion! A memory-recalling potion!" Emeros recalled a common potion that was being used by many aristocrats!

Emeros walked in the direction of where the mage was.

Guards were standing at the side and were tasked to protect the mage. They stopped Emeros, and Emeros left his weapons and moved into the room unarmed.

Soon, Emeros reached the large hall and a cozier room with lights and strange magical items that created a cold breeze radiating from within.

Emeros saw numerous drawings of energy formation circles.

"Huh? Aren't these... downright useless?" Emeros couldn't help but voice out. He knew nothing about energy formation circles, but he could remember the numerous times Kyros and Noxus would write them out.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" An angry scream was heard as a sleepy figure emerged from the pile of pillows at the side and ran towards Emeros.

Emeros shouted in shock and tried to escape, but the man was too fast as it grabbed on Emeros.