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Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 577 Lysandro vs Elara and Arpious (3)
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Chapter 577 Lysandro vs Elara and Arpious (3)

Elara, her angelic wings glowing with divine radiance, summoned all her power into a final, desperate attack. |Heavenly War Flag of the True Hero| manifested as a colossal, luminous banner. It surged forward, crashing into Lysandros with a force that defied comprehension. The celestial dragon was thrown off balance, struggling to maintain his flight.

With relentless determination, Arpious and Elara pressed their assault, their teamwork reaching its peak. The sky crackled with energy as they struck blow after blow, exploiting every opening they could find. Lysandros fought fiercely, but the combined might of the two proved overwhelming.

In a climactic moment, Arpious unleashed her |Unparreled Slash,| a strike imbued with the essence of her monster lineage, and Elara channeled the power of her |Divinity Trait: Forbidden Magic.| Their combined forces culminated in a final, decisive blow. The celestial dragon's form trembled, golden scales shattered, and with an anguished cry, he fell from the skies.

Lysandros's colossal body crashed into the wheat field, causing a cataclysmic shockwave. The earth itself quaked as the celestial dragon's mighty form dissolved into radiant particles, returning him to his ethereal state. Arpious and Elara watched as the once-mighty being was reduced to nothingness.

With a mix of exhaustion and relief, they knew that the battle was won, but not without significant cost. Both Arpious and Elara bore the marks of their fierce struggle, battered and bruised, their energy spent. As the dust settled and the sun set over the now-silent field of wheat, the two powerful warriors stood victorious, having barely defeated the celestial threat that had challenged them.

"Now, what do we do about this thing?" Arpious huffed before applying a thin white veil of fire across her and Elara's wounds. They were pretty deep and pretty dangerous, so she made sure to take her time and carefully reconstruct every single square inch of each other. 

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"I'm going to dive into it's memories. I'm pretty sure I already know where this guy came from… but just in case, I'm going to confirm with my very own eyes," Elara muttered before walking over to the dragon's corpse and placing a single hand on its scaly hide. "[Mind Warp]." 

As the celestial dragon Lysandros lay lifeless in the vast, golden field of wheat, Elara felt a strange and powerful force tugging at her consciousness. It was as if an invisible thread was pulling her toward the enigmatic creature's immense and fading presence.

Despite the battle's fierce culmination, Elara's curiosity and the innate connection she had with the divine led her to approach the fallen dragon's form. The angelic enchantress extended her hand and gently touched the shimmering scales, her fingers tingling with energy. At that moment, she felt an overwhelming wave of memories and emotions rush over her.

Suddenly, Elara's senses were transported to a different realm, one woven from fragments of the celestial dragon's essence. She found herself standing within the very mind of Lysandros, the intricate labyrinth of his thoughts and memories unfolding before her.

The expanse of this mental realm was vast and bewildering, like a breathtaking dreamscape. Each thought, memory, and emotion formed crystalline structures, reflecting the profound depth of the dragon's experiences and wisdom. Elara could hear the distant echoes of ancient tales and the whispers of celestial knowledge.

However, within this awe-inspiring mental realm, she also sensed the profound sorrow and loneliness that had weighed heavily on Lysandros's heart. It was as if the dragon's consciousness had yearned for companionship and understanding, hidden beneath the radiant facade he had displayed.

Elara's presence within Lysandros's mind was a unique and solemn experience as if she had been granted the rare privilege of glimpsing the innermost secrets of a celestial being. She realized that even in death, Lysandros's essence held a profound story, waiting to be explored and understood.

With this newfound insight into the fallen dragon's mind, Elara had a choice to make – whether to delve deeper into Lysandros's memories or withdraw from this sacred sanctuary and return to the physical world.

"She should be able to pull me out…" And so, she dove deeper and deeper and deeper until a white light enveloped her. As soon as it faded, a throne room had been revealed. 

The Ivory Throne was a singular masterpiece of celestial craftsmanship, the very embodiment of divine sovereignty and ethereal grace. Carved from the purest and most shimmering ivory marble, its surface gleamed with an otherworldly luminosity as if it were kissed by the very stars themselves. The marble, seemingly spun from light, bore a pearlescent sheen that lent it an almost transcendent quality.

The intricately hand-carved angelic motifs that adorned the throne told a tale of the divine. Ethereal seraphim with outstretched wings and radiant halos were etched into the ivory, their expressions serene and benevolent. Each feather on the angels' wings seemed to have a lifelike texture, and their flowing robes seemed to sway with an unseen celestial breeze. The delicate precision of these carvings was a testament to the celestial artisans' unparalleled skill, and every glance at the throne revealed new, hidden details.

The throne's backrest soared to astonishing heights, creating an awe-inspiring presence that commanded respect and reverence. At its pinnacle, a pair of majestic angelic wings unfurled, their feathers sculpted with a lifelike realism that left one marveling at their beauty. These wings, frozen in the moment of ascent, carried an air of grace and power, adding to the regal aura that permeated the entire chamber.

The aura of regal authority that radiated from the Ivory Throne was unmistakable. Anyone who stood in its presence could feel the weight of divine rule, an understanding that it was here the celestial monarch made decisions that shaped the heavens. The Ivory Throne was more than just a piece of furniture; it was a living symbol of celestial power, a testament to the celestial ruler's connection to the divine realm.

The gilded accents throughout the marble throne room added a layer of celestial opulence and splendor that further elevated its grandeur. Every inch of the room seemed to shimmer with the richness of pure gold, giving it an ethereal and majestic quality.

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Around the edges of the pristine marble floor, delicate filigree patterns intertwined with symbols of celestial significance. These celestial symbols told stories of cosmic order, virtue, and divine protection. They glowed with a warm, golden hue, casting a gentle radiance that illuminated the chamber like the light of the heavens.

lightsnοvεl The mirrors that lined the walls were framed with ornate gilded designs. Each frame was a work of art in itself, featuring intricate patterns of angels in flight, radiant halos, and sacred geometry. The gilded frames seemed to enhance the mirrors' reflective surfaces, casting back a vision of the room that appeared even more resplendent and angelic.

Every piece of furniture, from the grand tables to the stately bookshelves, featured these celestial gilded accents. The effect was a harmonious fusion of ivory and gold, a celestial marriage of materials that enhanced the sense of divinity within the room. In this space, the blending of celestial symbols and the richness of gold seemed to create an atmosphere where the celestial monarch communed with the divine.

The gilded accents were not just ornamental but imbued the room with a palpable sense of reverence and grace as if one had stepped into a realm where the very air shimmered with the blessings of celestial beings. The attention to detail and the craftsmanship of these accents spoke of a room that had been meticulously designed to inspire awe and admiration, a testament to the celestial ruler's power and connection to the divine.

The heavenly murals that adorned the walls of the throne room were nothing short of awe-inspiring, transforming the space into a realm of divine beauty and celestial wonder. These masterpieces were meticulously painted, their colors and details so vivid that they appeared to come alive, telling stories of the heavens with each stroke of the artist's brush.

One mural, the centerpiece of the room, depicted a host of angels in serene flight, their wings outstretched like glistening feathers. The angels seemed to dance among the clouds, surrounded by an ethereal light that bathed them in a celestial glow. Their expressions radiated tranquility as if they had captured a moment of perfect harmony with the divine. Every brushstroke brought their forms to life, their robes and hair flowing with the grace of eternal serenity.

Another mural portrayed a celestial procession, with angelic beings ascending a grand staircase that seemed to stretch infinitely into the heavens. Each step they climbed was carved with intricate patterns and celestial symbols, representing the ascent to higher realms. Their faces held an expression of profound purpose as if they were on a sacred journey guided by divine providence.

The colors of the murals were a symphony of celestial hues. The blues and purples of the skies and the heavens contrasted with the warm, golden radiance of the angels' forms. It was as if the very essence of heaven had been painted onto the walls, creating an otherworldly atmosphere within the throne room.

The level of detail in each mural was astonishing, capturing the smallest nuances of the celestial beings' expressions and the intricate patterns of their garments. It was a testament to the skill and dedication of the artists who had brought these heavenly visions to life.

In the presence of these heavenly murals, one couldn't help but feel a profound sense of reverence and inspiration. They served as a constant reminder of the divine presence that watched over the throne room, and they added an extraordinary depth of splendor to the space, making it a sanctuary of celestial art and devotion.