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Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 575 Lysandro vs Elara and Arpious (1)
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Chapter 575 Lysandro vs Elara and Arpious (1)

His elegant, angelic wings, which had been a hallmark of his celestial presence, stretched and unfurled to their fullest extent. Their feathers glowed with an ethereal luminescence, resembling delicate, opalescent pearls. They seemed to capture the essence of purity and grace, casting a brilliant aura of divine radiance all around.

From Lysandros's brow sprouted a pair of soft draconic horns, curling gracefully and made of pure, glistening ivory. These elegant additions gave him a regal and commanding appearance, harmonizing seamlessly with his celestial beauty. As they shimmered in the heavenly light, they emitted a resonating, melodious hum, creating an atmosphere of enchantment.

His entire form began to radiate with a celestial aura, and his already porcelain skin took on a transcendent quality. It emitted a soft, soothing radiance, akin to moonlight reflecting on tranquil waters. The scent that accompanied him became more pronounced, akin to a gentle breeze carrying the fragrance of blossoms from a divine garden.

With a majestic stride, Lysandros ascended into the skies, and his transformation reached its peak. The celestial dragon that he had become soared with grandeur, the embodiment of heavenly grace and power. His eyes, now twin pools of boundless wisdom and serenity, gazed upon the world with benevolent authority.

As he flew through the heavens, his celestial presence left a trail of awe and inspiration in its wake, and those who witnessed his transformation felt a deep sense of wonder and reverence. Lysandros had evolved into a celestial dragon, and the heavens themselves seemed to sing his praises as he embraced his role as a guardian of celestial realms.

As Lysandros embraced his celestial heritage and tapped into his divine powers, a transformation of breathtaking magnificence unfurled before all who beheld him. The air around him shimmered and pulsed with radiant energy as his very form underwent a wondrous metamorphosis.

His elegant, angelic wings, which had been a hallmark of his celestial presence, stretched and unfurled to their fullest extent. Their feathers glowed with an ethereal luminescence, resembling delicate, opalescent pearls. They seemed to capture the essence of purity and grace, casting a brilliant aura of divine radiance all around.

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From Lysandros's brow sprouted a pair of soft draconic horns, curling gracefully and made of pure, glistening ivory. These elegant additions gave him a regal and commanding appearance, harmonizing seamlessly with his celestial beauty. As they shimmered in the heavenly light, they emitted a resonating, melodious hum, creating an atmosphere of enchantment.

His entire form began to radiate with a celestial aura, and his already porcelain skin took on a transcendent quality. It emitted a soft, soothing radiance, akin to moonlight reflecting on tranquil waters. The scent that accompanied him became more pronounced, akin to a gentle breeze carrying the fragrance of blossoms from a divine garden.

With a majestic stride, Lysandros ascended into the skies, and his transformation reached its peak. The celestial dragon that he had become soared with grandeur, the embodiment of heavenly grace and power. His eyes, now twin pools of boundless wisdom and serenity, gazed upon the world with benevolent authority.

As he flew through the heavens, his celestial presence left a trail of awe and inspiration in its wake, and those who witnessed his transformation felt a deep sense of wonder and reverence. Lysandros had evolved into a celestial dragon, and the heavens themselves seemed to sing his praises as he embraced his role as a guardian of celestial realms.

The battleground was an expansive, seemingly infinite field of golden wheat, a vast expanse of swaying crops that extended as far as the eye could see. The whisper of the breeze through the wheat stalks created a serene, soothing ambiance that starkly contrasted the forthcoming clash.

Lysandros, now transformed into a celestial dragon of divine beauty, hovered above the wheat field. His presence alone cast an otherworldly glow upon the landscape. His angelic wings beat gently, keeping him afloat in the air as he surveyed his opponents, Arpious and Elara.

Arpious, the Princess of Monsters, stood her ground, her eyes ablaze with a fierce determination. Her wings unfurled, showcasing their iridescent beauty, a stark contrast to her monstrous form. Elara, with her eagle-like wings outstretched, prepared herself for the impending battle. The air around them was charged with anticipation as they faced the celestial dragon.

With a subtle nod of understanding, Arpious and Elara moved in unison, closing the distance between them and their formidable adversary. Arpious chanted incantations, invoking her forbidden magics as her irises flickered with eldritch energy. An invisible force pulsed around her, enhancing her magical abilities. She unleashed her |Forbidden Magic: Zeus's Nimbus,| summoning a tempestuous storm overhead.

Lightning bolts erupted from the storm, crackling toward Lysandros, who expertly maneuvered through the wheat field, evading the electrifying assault. Meanwhile, Elara's wings propelled her skyward, her eyes focusing on Lysandros. With an angelic aura surrounding her, she called upon her |Twilight Dragons Vampiric Breath,| and a dark, shadowy breath weapon shot toward the celestial dragon.

Lysandros met the oncoming attack with a powerful flap of his opalescent wings, generating a divine shield of light that absorbed the dark breath. He retaliated with a beam of pure energy, his |Celestial Breath,| aiming it at Arpious and Elara in a dazzling display of power. The energy beam crackled with celestial fury, racing toward them with devastating force.

Arpious and Elara, realizing the imminent danger, quickly combined their abilities. Arpious unleashed her |Grand Water Magic,| creating a colossal wall of water to intercept the celestial breath. Elara, with her wings beating at maximum speed, created a cyclone of wind around the barrier, further reinforcing it.

The celestial breath collided with the combined defenses, creating a brilliant explosion of energy that rippled through the wheat field. The shockwave sent waves of golden crops cascading in all directions, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. The battleground was transformed into a chaotic whirlwind of magic and power, as Lysandros, Arpious, and Elara embarked on their epic clash in the heart of the wheat field.

As the magical explosion subsided, the field of wheat lay in disarray, with golden stalks strewn about like fallen soldiers. In the aftermath of the spectacular display of power, Arpious and Elara emerged unharmed, their defenses holding firm against Lysandros' celestial breath.

Lysandros, the celestial dragon, gracefully descended to the ground, his radiant wings casting a divine glow. He regarded his opponents with an air of unwavering confidence, fully aware of the formidable force he possessed. It was clear that this battle was far from over, and he was determined to press on.

Arpious and Elara, undeterred by their adversary's celestial might, prepared for their next move. Arpious invoked her |Forbidden Magic: Medusa,| and her eyes took on a petrifying glow as she directed her gaze towards Lysandros. An eerie sensation washed over him, but his celestial nature granted him some resistance against the paralyzing effects.

Elara, on the other hand, unfurled her beautiful, eagle-like wings and took flight. With a powerful beat, she created a massive updraft that sent rows of wheat stalks whirling into the air, obscuring Lysandros' vision. In this chaos, she remained concealed, watching for an opportunity to strike.

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As Lysandros fought to resist the petrification, Arpious continued her offensive. Her |Forbidden Magic: Skadi| created an arctic storm around her, sending chilling winds and ice shards toward the celestial dragon. The temperature plummeted dramatically, encasing everything in a frozen, magical frost.

Lysandros responded with a burst of divine light, melting the icy onslaught. His body radiated intense heat, countering the frigid air. He then summoned his |Celestial Roar,| a harmonious, sonic wave that shattered the surrounding wheat and sent shockwaves in all directions, dispelling the remaining ice.

With Elara still hidden among the tumultuous wheat, she seized the opportunity to launch a surprise attack. Her |Summon: Chimera Monster| brought forth a monstrous, hybrid creature with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and a serpent for a tail. The chimera lunged at Lysandros, snapping its jaws in an attempt to incapacitate him.

Lysandros, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the chimera, used his immense wingspan to shield himself from the creature's assault. The serpent tail lashed against his wings, while the lion head gnashed its teeth, and the goat body rammed against him with brute force.

The battle raged on in the heart of the wheat field, a spectacle of magic, might, and strategy. Lysandros fought valiantly to maintain his celestial advantage, while Arpious and Elara utilized their diverse skills and teamwork to gain the upper hand. The wheat field bore witness to an epic confrontation of otherworldly forces, and the outcome remained uncertain in the midst of this intense clash.

Amidst the swirling chaos of their battle in the wheat field, the clash between Lysandros and Arpious with Elara on her side continued to escalate. The ground quaked as their powers collided, sending shockwaves rippling through the infinite expanse of golden stalks.

Lysandros, having successfully defended against the chimera, unleashed another potent ability. His celestial wings glowed with an intense, ethereal radiance as he initiated his |Celestial Wing Slash.| In a single, fluid motion, he slashed through the air, sending crescent-shaped waves of celestial energy toward his adversaries.

Arpious quickly recognized the imminent danger and activated her |Ancient Reproduction Art.| Ethereal phantoms of mythical creatures formed around her, each one designed to mimic the movements of the original chimera. These illusory beasts intercepted the celestial wing slashes, dissipating them with a shimmering burst of light, while Arpious and Elara remained unscathed.

Elara, seizing the opportunity, soared high into the sky, her powerful wings propelling her with incredible speed. She descended upon Lysandros from above, her |Summon: Heavenly Royal Charred Unicorn| materializing beneath her. The majestic unicorn's golden horn gleamed with divine energy as it aimed to pierce Lysandros' celestial hide.

Lysandros twisted in mid-air, evading the charging unicorn, and countered by exhaling a torrent of |Celestial Breath.| A cascading stream of radiant energy erupted from his maw, carving a path through the field. It ignited the wheat in its path, creating a wall of flame that attempted to envelop Arpious and Elara.

Arpious, determined to protect herself and her allies, cast her |Grand Water Magic.| She summoned a massive, translucent wave that surged forward with incredible force, extinguishing the celestial flames in a torrent of cleansing water. The remaining water formed a barrier around them, shielding them from further harm.

With their abilities pitted against the celestial dragon's power, Arpious and Elara had proven to be formidable adversaries. The battlefield was a testament to their skill, the wheat field now a mix of scorched earth, frozen ice, and vast stretches of water. The trio continued their epic confrontation, each side displaying incredible strength, strategy, and determination. The outcome of this battle remained uncertain, as they pressed on, determined to prove their dominance over one another.