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An Owl's Rise

Chapter 64 64 Newest Member Of The Roost
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Evelyn not wanting to be given some random name, voiced her concerns and stated that she already had a name.

Both Dara and Melisandre looked at her with baffled expressions, since it was quite rare for a fiend beast to have come up with a name for themselves.

It was not something needed in the wilds, and only in a more civilized organization such as the Owls Roost was a designation in the form of a name necessary.

However, Melisandre quickly realized one place Evelyn might have already gotten a name from, but she frowned as she wondered why Evelyn might want to keep something like that.

"I suppose that the humans that held you captive must have given you a name, but there is no need for you to continue using such a thing. It will only serve as a reminder for the hardships you must have endured. I promise that I can give you a much more fitting name for you knew life here."

Looking into Melisandre's eyes Evelyn could see a certain tenderness and warmth in them as she held genuine concern.

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Still, her name was precious to her and even in another world she refused to change it.

"I thank you for your consideration, but the name I have is the only one I want. I am Evelyn and wish to be known as such."

Holding her head up proudly, she wanted it to be known to Melisandre that she valued her name highly, and that it was not something she was willing to part with.

Sighing, Melisandre said, "If that is what you want, I suppose it does not matter. You may keep the name Evelyn. Though it is quite strange."

Melisandre then nodded towards Dara who recorded Evelyn's name down on her now completed record.

"Hm that should be all I need from the two of you. Now give me a moment to have your identification cuff prepared." Dara said before pulling out an exquisite looking notepad which she wrote something down in and tore out the page.

Watching the page, Evelyn went wide eyes as it turned into the shape of a bird and began flying away.

A few minutes later a large owl that was around fifteen feet tall came flying down from above and landed not far from Dara.

This owl had gray and brown plumage and a curious look as he stared at Evelyn and Melisandre.

"Lady Dara, I have prepared for you what you asked. Though I am a bit surprised. I did not think that the first batch of new recruits would be here until another two days?"

Nodding her head, Dara confirmed that her attendant was indeed correct, and said, "Yes Erno, the ones that were selected on their talents and did not have to endure the trials will be here in two days as you said. But this owl here who is named Evelyn caught Melisandre's eye, and thus shall be her disciple."

Looking out in surprise and awe, the owl named Erno was caught off guard that Melisandre had taken a disciple, and one that was comparatively weak in terms of rank.

Nevertheless, he knew that as one of the Roost's leaders, Melisandre would never take on someone without a massive amount of talent, as she had thus far refused even the descendants of some of the families with the largest lineage within the Roost.

Erno quickly gave the item that Dara had requested he retrieve for her, and then looked towards Evelyn intently.

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"It is a pleasure to meet you, Evelyn. I imagine that we may see each other around the Roost later, and should you need my help or advice feel free to ask." Erno said, wanting to make a good impression.

He knew that as Melisandre's disciple it was likely that in the future Evelyn would be quite the ally to have within the Roost. So, he was more than willing to make nice now to form possible future connections.

After that he left with his business concluded, and Dara handed Evelyn the cuff that Erno had just brought her.

As she took it, she noticed that it was quite a bit similar to the black one that Melisandre had given here before they warped here

"That shall be your identification cuff to prove that you are indeed a member of the Roost. Along with that it also will allow you to not set off all manner of magic defenses when entering public places and private ones that you have been designated to use. Just know that does not mean you can go everywhere. Certain areas are off limits, especially for a fiend beast like you. I will not go into any details now, but I am sure that Melisandre will later. As for its second most important function, it stores for you the credits that are used as currency here within the Roost." Dara explained.

'I see, so it is like a passport and a debit card rolled up into one device.' Evelyn thought as she examined the cuff.

Once she was finished inspecting it, she slapped it onto her right leg, and it shrunk down to fit against her.

"Now to start, as a newly registered member you have been given one hundred credits, but hence forth you will need to earn any more on your own. Though I do not imagine that will be a problem with Melisandre as you mentor."

Nodding her head, Melisandre said, "Yes I will make sure she never lacks for basic necessities, but I do not plan to coddle her."

Hearing this, Evelyn's dreams of having a rich sugar momma went out the window, but she could already see that she was being treated far better than she normally would have been as the lowest ranking new member of the Roost thanks to her association with her new mentor.

'Anyway, I have a number of treasures of my own that my brother left me.' Evelyn thought as she internally chuckled a bit.