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Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35


Getting to Aridah, the seal looked fine with no problem at all and everything around looked normal the way it is.

But then, one could never get too careful. Double-checking the facts, | tried my best to find the endpoint of the

seal which is usually the most. vulnerable part of such seals.

Then, | saw it after manifesting my werewolf to a complete maximum. The seal looked fine on the surface at that

point with just a little crack but on a closer look, one could find that the seal has been opened before in that

spot, not once, nor twice. The signs were there.

No wonder! Things began to click in my mind as the scenarios | had pictured before cto play in it while |

ruminated over the things that happened. The hypotheses It made about the recent happenings around, both in

my pack and the deserted villages. seemed to be true to sextent.

The worst part of the discovery was that the seal couldn't hold off for long anymore as it has been opened


“What would happen if the seal breaks before it’s repair?” Donnie asked, probably thinking of the possibility of

things not happening the way | explained to her.

“Then a war is inevitable. The Canthrastras would be able to escape completely. From the look of it, the war

would be one of a kind that have ever been experienced in decades.” | replied her, earning furrowed brows from


No one would be happy hearing the news that something terrible is likely to happen; talk less of a war news.

“Did you hear a sound just now?” Sidonnie suddenly asked, looking around all at alert.

“What sound?”

“I don’t know. | can’t seem to figure it out.” She replied and | looked around, but there was nothing in sight and |

couldn’t hear anything. Suddenly, | noticed the White Dasiers in the basket Donnie carried, emitting a blue glow.

The glow looked brighter than usual and | was surprised at the scene.

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Something around must have triggered that reaction from it but it was beyond my comprehension.

Chapter 35

“Donnic, take a...” My words hung in the air, abruptly cut off as a group of armed beings suddenly showed up

before us. Donnie was visibly frightened and she instinctively positioned herself behindwhile | remained

fixed, studying the sudden intrusion. The armed men, equipped as if preparing for battle, demanded an

introduction. “Who are you?” one of them inquired, but | offered no immediate response. Upon closer inspection,

| speculated that they might be Canthrastras, yet their physical appearance contradicted my expectations. It had

been quite stsince | encountered that species, and these individuals didn’t align with my memories. The


Alpha status. encounter was during my teenage years, before | ascended to

“You don’t have to think too deep; we're what you think,” a voice resonated from among them, revealing a

familiarity that sent shivers down my spine. They possessed the uncanny ability to grasp one’s thoughts upon

eye contact.

“Are they Canthrastras?” Donnie whispered in a hushed tone, unaware that they could hear her more clearly

than I could.

“Yes, young lady. We are Canthrastras. Any problem with that?” their leader responded.

“Yes, there is. But before the problem manifests, how did you guys cout through the seal? How were you

able to crack the seal without breaking it?” | probed, attempting to extract information despite the slim chances.

“Are you seriously expecting a reply from us? Dream on!” cthe dismissive response. Suddenly, their leader

issued a command,

“Charge!” In an instant, all forty of them surged toward Donnie and me, their intentions ominous and veiled in

the shadows of uncertainty.

As the Canthrastras charged, a battle began in ernest in a flurry of swift movements and clashing weapons.

Instinctively, | drew on my Alpha abilities, my senses heightened as | assessed the situation. Donnie also sensed

the urgency and swiftly joined the fray, her determination evident as she skillfully engaged the adversaries.

Amidst the chaos, our communication beca synchronized dance of orders and


“Donnie, cover the left flank!” | shouted, deflecting a blow with my weapon. She responded promptly, seamlessly

adjusting her position to shield our vulnerable side. The Canthrastras, though formidable, seemed caught off

guard by the coordinated resistance. The skirmish intensified, each clash of weapons echoing in the night. The

leader, seemingly unfazed, locked eyes with me, attempting to exploit the unique

ability of his kind.

“Donnie, stay focused’ Their eye contact may reveal our strategies!” | warned, parrying a series of strikes and

she nodded in acknowledgment, her focus unwavering.

As the battle unfolded, a pattern emerged in the Canthrastras’ attacks.

“They're trying to flank us from the right! Adjust your position,” Donnie relayed toher observations proving

crucial in our defense. Our synchronized efforts gradually turned the tide, creating a strategic advantage.

In the midst of the exhausting confrontation, we managed to exchange glances, wordlessly conveying a shared

determination to overcthis unexpected threat.

The chaos of battle reached a crescendo with the Canthrastras seemingly gaining the upper hand as | and

Donnie were getting exhausted. In the midst of the struggle, a sudden twist of fate unfolded.

The White Dasier flowers in Donnie’s basket suddenly flew into the air. Suspended in the air, they transformed

into a gleaming, elongated weapons, as if guided by an unseen force. After a complete transformation, the

several pieces combined into one big weapon, very long and shiny that I've never seen a weapon it’s kind


Mesmerized by the unexpected scene, | watched in awe as the floral weapon materialized fully. But, to my

horror, it lunged toward me, its sharp end aimed with precision, all looking like it was being controlled still.

Before | could react, Donnie, sensed the imminent danger, and moved swiftly in front ofon the spur of the

moment. Then the weapon stabbed her in her shoulder.

Tseemed to freeze as disbelief washed over me. Donnie, who had valiantly fought by my side, now bore the

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brunt of a weapon that moments ago was a symbol of beauty and serenity. The once vibrant White Dasier had

turned into an instrument of harm, leaving an unexpected and painful wound in its wake.

“Aaarrgh.” She fell on her knees, feeling so weak.

The battleground fell silent, the Canthrastras pausing in their assault as they observed the unforeseen turn of

events. | rushed to Donnie’s side, a mix of anguish and fury gripping my heart.

Now, I've had enough.

“Kill!” | yelled, facing the sky. In a minute, the Canthrastras fell dead in one swoop. The Death Force did their job.

Chapter 35

Donnie was losing a lot of blood by the tthey died. First, | pulled out the weapon, cut myself with my fangs

following the healing ritual and made sure several drops of it landed on the huge shoulder wound.

“Hang in there please. Do you hear me, Donnie.” She was falling unconscious.

“Yes, Alpha Carlyle. | will.” She writhed in pain, shattering my heart into pieces. Laryl was also very eager to

make sure she was alright.

After much effort, | was able to stop the blood from gushing out but the wound was still there, not healing

properly like it should. Something was wrong and | was at a loss on what to do.

“Let’s not waste ton this thing, Alpha Carlyle. There are more important things for you to do, for us to do.”

“No thing is more important than you, Donnie. | owe you one for this” | cupped get. smooth face in mine, staring

right into her pain filled eyes.

“No, I'm not as important. We have to stop the impending war. From the look of things, it’s...” She trailed off, due

to the pain she was experiencing.

“It's okay, Donnie. | understand everything you're saying. You don’t need to stress over talking.”

“There's no time, Alpha Carlyle. We have to get going. We don’t know their plans!” She said with a tone of

