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Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 689 Conflict.
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Chapter 689 Conflict.

Shi Lang had spent two months doing nothing but training and managing various things in the Asura Hall. The effect of the training in the Shura Pit was drastic; most Asura Hall members had been promoted to Immortal Lord, and Shi Lang himself was on the verge of stepping into the Immortal King realm.

Yes, he had been comprehending everything he had learned and condensing his dao path into a crown over his head. An immortal general needed to condense dao weapons, an immortal lord had to condense dao armor, and an immortal king needed to condense the rules of their dao path into a crown.

Shi Lang had successfully condensed his dao armor, but now he was waiting. When he corresponded with the various books the Asura Hall managed to collect over the years, he found that the immortal king's crown was divided into many categories.

They were inferior, mediocre, supreme, and invincible. The differentiation was based on the clarity of the dao path rules. It worked like this: the greater the clarity one had while condensing the dao crown, the higher the category.

Inferior Immortal Kings were the weakest and composed most of the Immortal King count. Also, the higher the clarity of the Immortal King crown, the higher and the smoother the chance a cultivator had of ascending in the emperor's realm.

The clarity could be improved, but the duration of time people needed was too much. Shi Lang did not wish for that. He wanted to condense an invincible level crown to pass through the realm barrier. The reason was simple: if he needed to spend a long time in the realm of the Immortal King, then his time would be wasted, and he did not intend to do that.

Shi Lang stood on the cliff's peak, watching over the Asura Hall. Yang Niao appeared behind him and said, "Hall Master, what are the arrangements?"

Shi Lang did not look back and said, "Tell the youngsters to hold the fort. As for those in the peak of the Immortal Lord realm, they can go out and join the Centurion Tournaments. One person will accompany you and record your battles. If you do not do your best in every fight, I will face you in the Shura Pit."

Yang Niao shivered and said, "Yes, Hall Master."

Shi Lang said, "I will leave with Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei tonight. You can decide when you depart on your own."

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Yang Niao nodded and retreated quickly. Shi Lang had acted as the final boss in the last level of the Shura pit many times, leaving everyone he faced devastated. He avoided vital points, but his attacks broke the bones most brutally. Even the best alchemists had to suffer when they cured these people.

Some people even picked the wilderness to grow stronger over the chance of facing Shi Lang. The terran did not mind that. He was happy with it if they were willing to push themselves hard. After the preparations were completed, the entire sect transformed into a bunker.

The killing arrays were set up around each other in layers one after the other, and the closer one got to the sect, the stronger the array efficiency was. Shi Lang waited till evening, and after giving a nod on the matter, he left with Hei Lei.

Hao Mei and Yu Xiedi had been practicing sincerely. They were given a lot of affection from the people, so the two were a bit reluctant to leave the sect, but Shi Lang was taking them back to Qiling City as he was going to join the Centurian Tournament, and it was not safe for him to bring around these two little ones.

Hao Mei sat behind Yu Xiedi on the back of the lightning mane horse and asked, "Master, how does such a big competition work?"

Shi Lang smiled faintly. He was flying in the void beside the horse and could keep pace. He said, "They hold small tournaments all over the world. The winner from each region advances and fights in a battle royal held in a mysterious realm."

Yu Xiedi asked, "What is a mysterious realm, Master?"

The girl had come a long way from her cold self. She would frequently converse with Shi Lang and Hao Mei. Hearing her question, the Terran replied, "You can think of a mysterious realm like a hidden room inside a mansion. This realm is hidden in our world but cannot be seen."

Hao Mei was surprised and asked, "I have read about these mysterious realms, Master, are they not very dangerous?"

Shi Lang nodded and said, "Yes, you are correct, Xiao Mei. They are dangerous places. That is why, in the future, you both must not act recklessly when you visit them."

Yu Xiedi asked, "Master, why will you let us go to such places?"

Shi Lang smiled and said, "You two wish to be greenhouse plants? How will you grow stronger if you do not venture outside?"

Yu Xiedi asked, "Master, can I not grow stronger in the sect? I can practice with the other disciples."

Shi Lang shook his head and solemnly said, "Xiao Yu, cultivation is not only about accumulating spiritual energy but also about comprehending the secrets of dao. You cannot find that in the sect. Your master had to travel two worlds to reach where he is now."

Hao Mei asked, "Master, are there other worlds?"

Shi Lang nodded and said, "You will know more when the time is right, little ones. Now, you shall focus on laying down a strong foundation."

The two girls nodded, and the people rushed to the Qiling City. Hei Lei had also grown strong in his cultivation. Ever since Shi Lang returned to the Asura Hall, he let the horse go out and fight his way with the other spirit kings. The lightning mane horse was now at the peak of the spirit beast king's level.

They quickly arrived at Qiling City and visited the lord's mansion. Yuwan was a kind person, and he gave them a token so that they did not suffer outside. The guards bowed to them respectively, and they moved inside.

Yuwan was out at the moment because he was an Immortal Emperor. He needed to watch over the tournament arrangements, but Yu Mingxue was present to attend them, and she greeted Yu Xiedi with great warmth. The little girl also did not act cold but was still somewhat restrained.

The older lady did not mind and was aware of her nature. Shi Lang waited and said, "Madam, I will leave them under your care. I need to travel and participate in the tournament."

Yu Mingxue nodded, and Shi Lang told both the girls to be nice and not to slack off in their practice. The two children were not very clingy to him now. They knew from the other people in the sect that their master could flick his hair and transform into a monster. They even saw him beating up Yang Niao in the Shura Training Pit.

Shi Lang went out and then headed out of the Qiling City. He did not wish to join the tournament here and wanted to find two people to join him: Bo Qingtan and Yan Xue. The people in the Asura Hall had found him the details of the two. They had both joined mercenary groups and had been fighting at the front line.

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It just so happened that the two of them were also close to Qiling City. The two of them had been working in mercenary groups, and the leaders of these groups were siblings. They had complete gender segregation. As Shi Lang was thinking about it, he entered the forest next to the city and stopped suddenly.

He sighed and said, "Brother Bo, will you have them fight with me?"

The surroundings were silent, but suddenly, Bo Qingtan stepped out from behind the tree, and with a surprised gaze, he appeared next to Shi Lang. He asked, "What the heck have you been up to? We were so worried about you!"

Shi Lang smiled and hugged the guy directly. He said, "You really need to cool down and call your brothers out. I am getting anxious."

Bo Qingtan gently punched Shi Lang on the back and said, "Yeah!"

The two broke up the hug, and Bo Qingtan said, "Brother Xing, it is safe. He is my brother. Come out."

A few silhouettes stepped out of the trees, and Shi Lang found them all holding their weapons. Surprisingly, one of them was holding a sniper rifle. Shi Lang smiled and shook his head.

The young man with the rifle narrowed his gaze. He noticed Shi Lang smirking a bit and asked, "What are you shaking your head for?"

Shi Lang replied, "I just think that you do not know how to use the full potential of the weapon in your hand?"

The young man sneered and said, "Have you even seen a rifle like this? Brother Bo, tell your friend to stay within limits."

Bo Qingtan said nothing and shrugged his shoulders because he knew that Shi Lang would not take this lying down.

The terran smiled and said, "Allow me to teach you how to use it."