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Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 687 Promise Delivered.
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Chapter 687 Promise Delivered.

Shi Lang waited for some time, allowing the Qilin to recover her spiritual energy. The sudden change in the spiritual density shocked the beast, but it nourished her. The terran, in the meantime, came to the demon bane tree's place and poured out the corpses of the demonic beast Tian Long had rewarded him.

He did not wish to use these things for his own, but the fruits from the top of this tree would be helpful for everyone. The corpses were all high quality, and the demon beast kings and demon beast emperors were so strong that even in death, as soon as Shi Lang bought out their corpses, the place was brimming with demonic energy.

The place was not corrupted, thanks to the demon bane tree's terrible appetite for such pure demonic energy. Shi Lang observed the situation briefly before he nodded and walked away.

After he saw that Xiao Qin had finished recovering the terran, he opened another portal. He did not appear in the void but in the woods some distance from the encampment. Xiao Qin let out a soft, bleating sound. Shi Lang smiled and rubbed her head.

The beast was thanking him. Shi Lang took a piece of parchment and said, "You can bring this to Xuan Qiling and the others. I do not wish to go and meet them now. I have to head back home. The rest of the things are written in this parchment."

The terran took out a space ring and stowed the parchment and the jade slip inside the ring. Xiao Qin hid the ring inside her mouth and rushed away. Shi Lang did not wish to face an old ginger who might kill him under the pretense of suspicion.

Shi Lang left in another direction and did not need to worry about Xiao Qin. She was even stronger than him. The terran continued to avoid the encampments and even patrols on the way. It was all thanks to his clones and the anti-recon training he had learned in the federation.


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In the War Maiden sect, Yu Ying watched an elder leave the place with a cold expression on her face. She shook her head and sighed. Just then, she heard a calm voice, "Sister Yu, why are you sighing?"

Yu Ying did not even turn her head and said, "Is it not for your husband? Who else could upset the elder gallery so much?"

Amelia raised her brow and asked, "What do you mean by that? What did he do?"

Yu Ying shook her head and said, "That guy joined the Dragon Army, fought at the frontline with two sovereigns, and earned the champion title. The news is that he managed to kill thirteen demon beast kings with the help of Immortal Sovereign Zither Soul."

Amelia nodded and asked, "I still do not see anything that would make the elder gallery feel upset with him."

Yu Ying gawked at Amelia and asked, "What sort of love soup did he feed you? They all say that his conversation with Immortal Sovereign Zither Soul was too uncultured and that he was acting shamelessly."

Amelia smiled and said, "These are all hearsay."

Yu Ying raised her brow and asked, "Why do you think the elders are fidgeting?"

Amelia took a deep breath and said, "Are you sure you want me to tell the truth?"

Yu Ying nodded. Her heart was palpitating because she knew Amelia was not as simple as she seemed on the surface. Nothing in the sect escaped her eyes.

Amelia said, "The elder gallery has two factions. They have been making trouble for me since discovering I have a husband. Now, the news came that he cooperated with Sovereign Zither Soul and was on friendly terms with her. They wish to use this excuse to wedge a rift between him and me. They wished for the sect to be run by a women who lived alone like them. Idiots!"

She flicked her hair with disdain, brimming her eyes, and said, "Sister Yu, tell the elder gallery to stay in line. If they try to act out of their place, I will make sure to put them in their graves. As for his involvement with the Immortal Sovereign, we all come from the same lower realm. If they do not wish for me to call the sovereign judgment upon them, they should fix their attitudes."

That said, she left a stunned Yu Ying. Amelia would not allow anyone to step between herself and Shi Lang. Anyone who did so was her enemy. She loved Shi Lang, not because of their somewhat forced early relationship but because he was a man of his word. He never mistreated her, and after their marriage, he almost died to save her.

He rose to the peak, changed the world for the better, and raised an orphan as his own. Yes, it was debatable why Shi Lang did that, but the fact remains that he was selfless in this process and never exploited Shi Tao.

Amelia admired him and his decisiveness. If anyone were going to take him from her, that person would suffer a fate worse than death.


Shi Lang did not know this and returned to Asura Hall. He found that his disciples, Yu Xiedi and Hao Mei, were in seclusion. He was surprised, but he still checked upon them. He found that Xiao Yu had reached the peak of body refinement and was now refining spiritual energy.

Hao Mei was also entering the peak of the gathering realm. He could not determine the reason behind this growth and found Hei Lei in the stable. The beast saw Shi Lang and bowed his head. Shi Lang asked, "What is going on with them?"

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Hei Lei replied, "I guided them in calming their thoughts and told them that only when they are strong would they be able to stand by your side in the future."

Shi Lang sighed and said, "Forget it. Just ensure they do not push too much and end up hurting themselves."


On the other side, Cao Shiyan and Xuan Qiling found the space ring from Xiao Qin. They kept it a secret from Ning Family elders. Cao Shiyan had his plan, and his group supported him completely. After an entire day of investigation, when Elder Kun could not find anything wrong, he told the people of his family to look for Shi Lang.

As for the four families, they asked to return home as the death of their young patriarchs needed to be mourned. Elder Kun sighed. Although he could have used these people here as labor, he needed to accommodate them, or other people who come across them might tarnish the impression of the Ning Family.

The four families departed, and the five youths sat on the back of a flying spirit beast. Cao Shiyan took out the jade slip and the letter inside the space ring. He read the letter, "I have engraved the rifle plan on the jade slip. There are four families, and I am cooperating with all of you. This jade slip has a restriction that restricts the four of you from learning one section of the technique.

You can have the expert of your family inspect it and conclude if what I said is the truth. To make the rifle, you will need to work together, and I hope that none of you tries to pull any dirty tricks on each other for the profit margin. I am not interested in anything but the harmony of the force.

To ensure this, I have already placed several spies among your families. You will never escape my sight; do not waste time looking for those spies. You will be chasing a cloud of smoke. Lastly, you can deliver my promised share to the Jade Tower, and I will collect it from there."

Cao Shiyan raised his head, and Yue Hanling commented, "I used to think Shiyan was the sly fox; it turned out this guy is a step further than him."

The people nodded; they did not expect Shi Lang to have tied them together, so they would suffer if they tried to break away from the responsibility. Cao Shiyan thought about it and said, "If someone asks you why we promised him the conditions, just say that he made an offer that would set the path for the future of our families, and ten percent of profit was not a bad thing."

The people thought about it and nodded. Cao Shiyan said, "Ace not only gave us the throne but even saved our lives from those bastards. We cannot let him down like this."

The people discussed for a bit, and then they reached their homes differently. The word spread in the four families, and the patriarchs met secretly. They confirmed the authenticity. The appearance of Elder Kun has pacified the people at the higher level, and now, when the children come back with the plans for the weapons, and they do not even tell the Ning family, it is obvious that they had a chance to rise. The children of their family were very promising.