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Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 196
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Shi Lang and the rest of the team made their way to the arena. Behind the palace of change (The new name of the palace of sins) was a huge arena that could fit ten thousand people. Arcadia was the capital planet and after Cara took charge, she made the whole planet open for the citizen.

There was no restriction but the citizens qualified to live here had to go through an interview. Only when they have cleared the interview will they get the identity card to live here. Today a computer system randomly selected people, and families and sent them the invitation to attend the duel.

Shi Lang and the rest of the Terran team also had a great reputation in the palace and the world outside. During the past year, they have appeared on the broadcasts and at public events a lot many times.

When they appeared in the viewing stands, the crowd became active. A palace attendant came to the center of the arena and said, “Attention everyone, today the empress Cara Mia, has been challenged by the Cheif General of the army, Rui Chufy. The latter states that the Empress has given up on the past culture and customs of the Arcadian history.

While the empress states that she implied changes because the old ideologies were the reason for the decline of the kingdom. For the past six months, the empress has been talking to the challenger to reach a peaceful discussion, but since they could not reach a decision, they have decided to solve their dispute with raw strength.”

The people in the stands roared in excitement. Shi Lang gazed at them and said, “Cara applied speech moderation?”

Rosa nodded and said, “With the consent of the challenger, make sure that this guy does not back off later. She told him this was to preserve the dignity of the military.”

Shi Lang nodded and suddenly his gaze fell on a big cat lying next to the throne in the viewing stands, he asked, “What is Zysha doing?”

Amelia cast her gaze in the same direction as well and said, “She is cultivating. He thinks she can transform into human form but every time she stops just an inch away.”

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Shi Lang said, “Her bloodline is not pure enough to lead her back to her ancestor roots.”

Then he turned his attention to the guys sitting at the side of the ground. These people all wore military uniforms from the Arcadian Empire. They were the supporting votes behind General Rui. Shi Lang cast them a gaze and went to sit down on the seats reserved for them.

The attendant said, “I call forth, the challenger, General Rui Chufy.”

He waved his hand to point to his left, and a small gate opened, General Rui walked inside the arena carrying a long sword in his hand, dragging it behind him.

Darcx said, “Useless intimidation technique.”

He and the rest of the terrans were also despised by the actions of the Arcadian general. General Rui came to stand in the center and raised his sword with a jerk action he was showered with a lot of praise and guards were looking at him with awe contained in their eyes. The chief general was their idol.

The host saw this scene and shook his head, praying for the empress. Then he said, “Now I call upon the defendant, Her Excellency, The Empress of Arcadia, Cara Mia.”

Then he waved at the right-hand side and the big gate opened from that side. Cara walked into the arena with steady steps. She was wearing a white and silver combat suit. A rapier was tied to her waist.

The attendant bowed to her and the crowd cheered for her. Cara was the people’s champion, she was an angel for all those who got a chance to do something other than dying in remorse and helplessness.

The two people, Cara, and the general stood facing each other. The attendant said, “The duel will go on till one of you admits defeat or loses the capability to fight. You are allowed to use any means of attack, however, it must be all within moderation.”

The two people nodded and as soon as the attendant retreated and Cara smiled at the old man and asked, “Are you ready?”

The general did not know what she really asking him if he was ready. The general raised his hands and then he said, “Come.”

Cara smiled and said, “Be careful what you wish for.”

Then she vanished from the vision of the general. The old man was surprised and immediately he turned around and slashed his sword to attack Cara. However, the girl did not move, she had anticipated this attack, with a flick of her wrist the rapier on his waist came out and the incoming attack was parried.

General Rui was surprised, the attack was strong, yet this girl count parry it with such ease. He took back his sword and was ready to slash again when he found that the girl was not in her place. He looked around but did not find the girl.

His sensed tingled and the General jumped to the side. The crowd was cheering loudly. The girl was overwhelming the trained general. As soon as the general landed on the side. Cara appeared at his old spot, with her rapier stabbed into the ground. General Rui thought of this as a chance and then he charged at the girl at his fastest speed.

His broad sword was slashed horizontally, since Cara intended to deliver a critical blow to him, the old man was going to do the same. However, his actions did not bear any fruit as Cara used her feet to swiftly dash forward from a semi-crouched position.


The blade tore through the wind, and General Rui decided to use the momentum and strike again. However, just when he was in the middle of making an overhead slash, Cara appeared near him and she kicked his knee directly.

The impact was something nobody imagined or expected. Throughout the arena, a clear clicking sound echoed. The cheers stopped and so did the cussing. Everyone sucked in a cold breath. Shi Lang said, “She has won.”

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Rosa shook her head and said, “Cara intends to kill the general. And humiliate him. Is this good?”

Shi Lang could tell that the teacher was again caught in the middle of morality and the necessity of things. He said, “If you need a leader, then sometimes you have to overlook the morality. This guy gave into the support and temptation of his comrades. He needs to die and so do the other generals who sided with him. Do not think too much about all this, Head teacher.”

Jenkins said, “They are not even putting up the pressure we have during a sparring session, Cara is simply toying with him. Why did you not allow her to use her complete strength? This guy would have been settled in a single punch.”

Shi Lang said, “When you fight with the enemy outside, you do not have to worry about what will have to the internal structure of their house, however, when you fight inside your own home. You have to be careful about all the damage you cause.

This slow and torturous method will get the old people back to the group and for at the least, one hour, they will act honestly. Do You understand what I mean?”

Darcx nodded and said, “Boss, you intend for her to use these guys as her whetting stone and then develop a strong image in the hearts of the civilians?”

Shi Lang nodded and Quinn said, “Only this is how ruling for a longer time is possible.”

Shi Lang shook his head and said, “The goal is to serve and make a society where she can sit back and enjoy the vanity and gain more realms of cultivation. You all should have the same goal. Strenght.”

The Terrans nodded and they began to focus back on the battle in front of them. The general was now limping as he held the sword in his hands. Cara deliberately controlled her strength and did not break it off completely.

Cara kept her distance from the guy and would exploit the chances to punch and jab the General. She said, “Did you think that because I was a child you will be able to win me, and then you will take away what I built together with my people and friends for my people? Do you have no shame, I work hard to serve the people, I have been honest, but you, you all old fogies want to rule over the empire. Right?

Your task was to completely assure the safety of the borders, yet here you all are, seeking vanity. I will break you bit by bit and show everyone, that my pace will not be hindered by you losers.”

That said, she moved forward and gave the general a brutal beating. The guy did not even have the chance to admit defeat as Cara stabbed through his throat ten minutes later. The entire arena was silent.

After a few moments, applause broke out. Shi Lang stood in the crowd gently clapping his hands.