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Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 123
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Shi Lang carefully took out the letter from the envelope and took a deep breath. The paper of this letter was very delicate because it was so old that even the foundation of Terran Civilization seemed like a toddler.

After he unfolded the letter, he read the content written in a beautiful cursive font:

Major Shi Lang,

You have been invited to the Card Class.

Simple and concise, no extra words, and no boosting the ego. This was the style of the letter but this was enough. On the footer of the letter, a number was mentioned. Shi Lang took another deep breath and used his communicator to initiate communication. The number was a COMM ID.

The holographic display showed ‘connecting…’ and Shi Lang sensed his heartbeat picking up the pace. After five seconds the words flashed, ‘connected…’ then a masked face appeared in the hologram.

The person on the other side said, “Since you have taken the initiative to contact, then that means you have agreed and made up your mind to join the card class.”

Shi Lang did not speak but nodded slightly. The man on the other side replied, “Very Well, the coordinates of the base camp have been sent on your Communicator. You have one week to report. Unable to do that will lead to an automatic dismissal from services. Have a good day.”

That said, the call was disconnected. Shi Lang did not wait for anything else. He grabbed a handful of clothes, placed them inside his backpack, and rushed out of the room. The team had all returned but before they could say anything. Shi Lang spoke up in a hurry, “I have to leave, we will have a party when I come back.”

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Gamma said, “Go.” she understood that the boy was definitely excited and could not stay still for even a minute. So, she asked him to go. Shi Lang saluted them and rushed out again. He needed to report to Archie Arkham before leaving the base.

On the way while he was rushing ahead, he dropped a message to Amelia, saying he was going out on a task and might not have permission to contact her, will return to her messages when he could. He did not know when he came in front of the town hall and got inside. He knocked on the door of the commander’s office.

Archie Arkham said, “I know it is you, Major Lang, feel free to leave. Have a good journey. Come back soon.”

She did not like to waste time in goodbyes and thus Shi Lang turned on his heels and left. He came to the garage of the villa as he forgot to take the bike in his excitement and after fastening a helmet, he rode away.

Inside the villa, Tian asked, “Is this much excitement really called for?”

Gamma replied, “Have you read the legends of the Card Class?”

Lullaby replied, “Do they not have any tint of exaggeration, like can you imagine one person taking out the whole brigade of enemies? Also, what do they even do? Why do we only know the records they have made and not how they made it?”

Gamma shook her head and said, “Nope, they are not exaggerated. We do not know any details because this lies in the gray area of the military. None is supposed to know. Now I am issuing a gag order, do not publicize that your crewmate was selected for the class. Understand?”

The people all replied in affirmation. Gamma nodded and they all began to discuss the situation back at Wei-wai.

Shi Lang was rushing to the spaceport at full speed when he suddenly recalled something. He took the next U-turn and called his father. As soon as the call was connected Shi John’s voice sounded, “Lang, how are you doing? Where are you?”

Shi Lang said, “I am rushing home, I have to leave for an urgent task and have a few hours on my hand so, I thought to see you guys, I am on a bike and will reach in a couple of hours, can you call Aunt Mila over as well?” his voice was a bit muffled due to the wind.

Shi John was surprised and asked, “They are already here, we had our days off so we decided to call them over. Come over, and be safe on the road.”

Shi Lang did not say much and disconnected after a bye. He turned the throttle and the lev bike whooshed through the traffic. He did not ride within the parameters of the traffic rules but when the traffic camera’s scanned his black military bike and uniform, he was not imposed with tickets.

The rules were made to keep the civilians in line. As a Military Personnel, Shi Lang was supposed to have a better head on his shoulders and not misuse his powers. However, this only saved him from speed tickets. If he did cause an accident, then he will be dealt with laws like civilians.

After a couple of hours, Shi Lang parked the bike below his apartment and climbed up the stairs at a speed faster than the elevator. He stood in front of the door, holding a helmet in his hand, and knocked.

The door was opened from inside after a few seconds. The person who greeted him was his mother. The young man gave her a sunny smile as she plunged into his embrace. Shi Lang patted her back and said, “I am home.”

Luna replied to him with a gentle humm. She asked, “How have you been?”

Shi Lang replied, “I have been good. What about you?”

Luna nodded and said, “I have been fine.” She had yet to leave his embrace when another voice sounded, “Luna, he only had a few hours and you are hogging him for yourself, this is unfair.”

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Shi Lang chuckled and he took his mother inside. His aunt was sitting on the couch, and her reaction was the same as his mother’s as she hugged him tight and asked him a couple of mandatory questions.

His father and Uncle were made to sit on the sidelines after a manly greeting between them. Shi lang used his communicator and transferred all the salary he had earned till now to his mother’s account and some share was given to his aunt. He said, “You all get along nicely, so why not buy a bigger home in the inner city and shift there, live together. You can be there for each other and do not have to worry about the money, I will set it in a way that you will receive my monthly salary in your accounts.”

Luna was surprised by his words and said, “We will think about it. And for your salary, well you are out there, so do not give it all to us, who knows what you might need and how much it will cost. The privileges of a captain are not very high.”

Shi Lang slapped his forehead and said, “I forgot to tell you all, I am now a major. My privileges are higher. Do not worry.”

The people were in a daze, they did not expect their son to be so shockingly amazing to have been promoted in such a short period. Time seemed to have grown wings and in just a blink, a couple of hours passed. (The author has the power to control time inside the book. Lmao)

Shi Lang grabbed a meal with the people before he left home on his bike. The family took a picture of him standing with them in his uniform and his stars as a major. This was a proud moment for them. Riding his bike, Shi lang arrived at the spaceport. He was about to move to his own single-man ship when he heard a voice, “Lang?”

He turned around and was surprised to see an acquaintance, he smiled and called back, “Jenkins. When did you come back?”

The person who called him was none other than the son of First General Edward, Jenkins Edward. The blonde youth replied, “I am being redeployed, what about you? How is life at Secret division?”

He was aware that Shi lang was in a secret division but his identity was concealed. Shi Lang raised his brow and asked, “Do you really want to know?”

Jenkins nodded and Shi Lang replied, “I will have to kill you if I dissolved any information regarding the division.”

Jenkins chuckled and said, “Well, I know the rules, I will not mention it again.” As he walked closer to Shi Lang, however, as he came closer his pupil dilated and he asked, “When did you get promoted.”

Shi Lang chuckled and the two bantered with each other, Jenkins told him that he was being deployed for a secret task at the front and could not stay longer, after a few minutes, they went separate ways after a knuckle bump. After Jenkins left Shi Langr received a message from Gamma asking him if he was still on the port. The boy replied with a yes and the lady asked him to stay put.

She said, they were going out for a leisurely trip and decided to give him a lift to the point he says. Shi Lang could not bring them to the location he was provided but could use a lift that will save him time. So, he did not refuse and waited patiently.